Britain’s biggest supermarkets accused of SEXISM: But do YOU agree?

WOMEN are having to pay more for the same products as men, which has sparked a sexist pricing storm.

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise


Morrisons' razors were found to cost more than half as much for women

Products such as deodorant, razors and body spray are being sold for up to 50 per cent more to women, new research by The Fawcett Society has revealed. 

A range of supermarket products formed part of the study and it was revealed that Morrisons is one of the worst offenders. 

The research, which was published in The Times, discovered Morrisons' razors cost more than half as much for women. 

At a supermarket in Yorkshire, men can buy a triple blade razor with five replacement cartridges for £2, while woman have to pay £3.13 for just two replacement cartridges. 


Morrisons said:

The same products bought from Morrisons cost 56 per cent more for women, 25 per cent more at Sainsbury’s, 24 per cent more at Tesco and 22 per cent more at Asda. 

The Fawcett Society’s chief executive Sam Smethers said: “Here we see them consistently charging significantly more for their own-brand products which are marketed at women. In most cases, these are not minor price differences, there are big margins. 

“We now that women are paid less than men, are targeted with beauty products and advertising and now we see them being charged more. It will make many women ask themselves if they can trust these high street brands. 

“The big four have an opportunity here. Will they go the extra mile to demonstrate to their female customers that their pricing is fair? We don’t just want to see one or two prices reduced, we want sexist pricing to end.” 


Saisnbury's said its products are influenced by several factors - but gender is not one of them


Tesco said it does not price its products by the gender of customers

A spokesperson for Morrisons replied: “For identical products, our prices are exactly the same. The survey fails to compare identical products, so isn’t comparing like with life. 

“Even though some products sound the same, for example triple bladed razors, the actual specifications vary between the men’s and women’s versions. These variations cause retail prices to differ.” 

An Asda spokesperson said the supermarket prided itself on giving their customers the best value, saying: “We offer a range of items from basic everyday essentials through to products with the little luxury touches we know our customers love and always aim to match the price on like-for-like products no matter whether they are primarily aimed at men or women.” 

A Tesco spokesperson said: “We work hard to offer customers clear, fair and transparent pricing and we do not price our products by the gender of our customers. Many factors impact the price of our products, including the volumes produced, additional performance features, investment in research and bran development.” 


said the supermarket prided itself on giving their customers the best value

A Sainsbury’s spokesperson said: “We always aim to offer the very best quality and value. The prices of Sainsbury’s products are influenced by several factors - but gender is not one of them.”

This comes after it was revealed coffee could be extinct by the year 2080. 

In just a few decades it’s expected rising temperature will mean half of the world coffee farming land will no longer be suitable for plantation. 

The alarming findings are part of a report published by The Climate Institute, who also predict that wild coffee varieties such as Arabica could be extinct within the next 70 years unless climate change is tackled. 

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