Terrifying moment boy is bitten by mysterious creature in graveyard - is it a VAMPIRE?

A BOY bitten by a mysterious creature while with his friends in Westbury Cemetery in Tasmania, Australia is now making the internet question whether it was a fairy, a creepy bug or in fact a vampire.

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Terrifying moment teen gets bitten by 'blood-sucking bug'

The terrifying moment when the teenager, Tim, was bitten was captured on film by one of his friends, and in just four days of uploading the clip to YouTube, the video has received more than 86,000 views. 

What started off as a bit of spooky fun turned into something much more sinister when Tim and his friends decided to visit the graveyard one evening. 

Tim, standing next to a gravestone, starts slapping his neck, in an attempt to get rid of whatever is irritating him. 

But the situation quickly escalates and Tim if forced to runaway from whatever is flying around his ears and causing him discomfort. 

Boy bitten by mysterious creature in graveyardYOUTUBE

A boy was bitten by a mysterious creature in a graveyard

Suddenly, just as Tim begins running away, a mysterious creature flies by his legs. 

It is too hard to make out from the video quite what the creature is, other than its colour and that it flies. 

As Tim runs away he shouts out in pain, and one of his friends follows him to check how he is. 

The next part of the clip reveals a large injury on Tim’s neck. 

Boy bitten by mysterious creature in graveyardYOUTUBE

It is not certain what the flying object was which was caught on film

One of his friends said: “Ah dude it looks bad, does it hurt?” 

Tim answered: “No it’s fine” 

The friend then explained to the camera: “So we just got back from the graveyard right, and Tim’s been bitten by some weird bug or something.” 

The frightening video was uploaded to the web with the caption ‘Fairy sighting or creepy bug attack!!?! Caught on video in Westbury cemetery’.

Boy bitten by mysterious creature in graveyardYOUTUBE

The boy's bite looked very painful

A number of YouTube users have commented on the YouTube video since, and agree with the teenagers it was something sinister. 

One user said: “i definitely saw something looks scary.” 

But another suggested: “It’s called a bat.” 

Others were less convinced by how real the footage was. 

One user commented: “This is 100% not real.”

In another spooky incident, a parent, distubed by a noise at 3am every day, discovered THIS when he set up a camera. 

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