Student accidentally ripped out cornea after leaving contact lenses in TWO hours TOO long

A STUDENT was almost blinded after ripping off the top layer of her eyeball while trying to remove a contact lens she’d had in two hours too long.

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Student rips off cornea trying to take off contact lensMeabh-Mchugh-Hill

Meabh McHugh-Hill would often wear her contact lenses for 12 hours

Meabh McHugh-Hill, 23, originally from Belfast but living in Wavertree, would usually wear her contact lenses for 12 hours at a time - four hours more than the eight-hour limit. 

But one night, after wearing her contacts too long, Meabh’s eyes became so deprived of oxygen that one lens became welded to her left eye. 

Meabh then panicked to get the lens out as quickly as possible and accidentally tore off her cornea, leaving her in excruciating pain. 

Meabh told Liverpool Echo: “I settled down to watch a film with my boyfriend one evening when I realised I still had my contacts in. I’d them in for around 10 hours. 

Student rips off cornea trying to take off contact lensMeabh-Mchugh-Hill

Meabh's contact lens became stuck to her eye as it was so dry

“I ran upstairs to take them out and stupidly, in a rush, I just pinched my eye first like I normally would do to get the contact out. 

“But I should have moistened them first - because this time my eye was so dry the contact had actually glued itself to my eyeball. 

“After a few minutes the pain became unbearable. And I woke up the next morning not being able to open my left eye at all. 

“I tried to look in the mirror but as soon as a tiny but of daylight came in the room, my eye immediately forced itself closed. It was awful.” 

Student rips off cornea trying to take off contact lensMeabh-Mchugh-Hill

Meabh will now have to wear glasses for the rest of her life

Meabh visited an optician who immediately referred her to the Royal Liverpool university Hospital. 

She said: “The doctors said they were glad I had gone to them straight away and when they took a proper look they said I had scratched an entire layer off my whole eye. 

“The pain was intense. I wasn’t able to so much else besides stay in bed with the curtains drawn for the five days that followed. 

“Even going into the bathroom to take a shower was unbearable because of the light shining in trough the window. 

Student rips off cornea trying to take off contact lensMeabh-Mchugh-Hill

Meabh now wants to share her story to urge people to follow contact lens guidelines

“I’ve certainly learnt a lesson, albeit a very painful one.” 

Meabh has now been left with a permanent scar on a pupil which means she will have to wear glasses for the rest of her life. 

She hopes by sharing her story she can alert people to the risk of contact lenses if guidelines are not followed. 

According to, contact lens wearers should remember to let their eyes breath easily, keep them clean, listen to recommendations from your optometrist and keep to a schedule. 

This comes after it was revealed poor hygiene and drinking too much can damage your eyes.

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