Man loses 10 stone to stop strangers calling him a PIRATE in the street

A MAN who was known as ‘the pirate’ because he could only find cut off joggers to cover his massive frame, has lost 10 stone in a bid to change his novelty image.

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Man loses 10 stone to stop being called a piratePA REAL LIFE

Russel Newland lost 10 stone to stop being called a pirate

At his largest, Russel Newland, 55, weighed 24 stone 3lbs and had a 44 inch waist. 

The only clothes that would fit comfortably were cut off jogging bottoms and vests which, coupled with the bandana he wears to keep his long hair tidy, led colleagues and customers at the charity shop where he works to name him ‘the pirate’. 

Relief manager Russel even nicknamed himself Lieutenant Fat Pigeon, as a comic take on ‘Jack Sparrow’ from Pirates of the Caribbean. 

But after being approached by producers of ITV’s new programme This Time Next Year, hosted by Davina McCall, Russel has completely overhauled his diet, dropping to just 14 stone 7lbs. 

Russell, from High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, said: “Being the size I was, I couldn’t find jeans and chinos my size. 

“I couldn’t feel the cold because of how big I was, so I’d cut off my joggers at the bottom to make them into shorts. 

Man loses 10 stone to stop being called a piratePA REAL LIFE

At his largest, Russel Newland, 55, weighed 24 stone 3lbs

“I kept my image day and night, at work, in pubs, driving around - where we went I was a pirate. People would say ‘arrrr’ when I walked past.” 

Raised in a big family, Russel developed a hug appetite as, if there was food around, you had to eat it quickly, because it wouldn’t be around for long. 

He avoided vegetables, instead munching on meat, sausage rolls and pasties, but was an energetic teen and lied playing out with friends on push bikes, so he avoided putting on weight. 

Aged 24, he started working at a factory, where the tradition was to go to a nearby fish and chip shop for lunch. 

With less time for exercise as an adult, the pounds gradually piled on and by the time he met his partner, Kate Scarsbrook, 57, six years ago, he weighed 17 stone. 

Settling into family life with Kate and her three children Emma, 26, Gemma, 25, and George, 22, his unhealthy lifestyle continued and his waist just kept expanding. 

Man loses 10 stone to stop being called a piratePA REAL LIFE

The only clothes that would fit comfortably were cut off jogging bottoms

But, during a trip to his GP to examine an injured foot, after stubbing his heel on a kerb in July 2015, Russel’s doctor told him he needed to lose some weight to alleviate some of the pressure on his injury. 

As he stood on the scales at the doctor’s surgery he was shocked when they read 24 stone 3lbs. 

He said: “I agreed to go on a 12 week NHS weight plan. 

“When I set my mind to something, I do it, and the weight just started dropping off. 

“I cut out bread, biscuits, cakes and fizzy drinks and introduced fruit, vegetables and yoghurt into my diet.” 

Russell lost three stone in three months, and although people at work noticed the difference, he knew he still had more to lose. 

In August 2014, Russel had been contact by a production company working on behalf of ITV, who though he looked like an interesting character and wanted him on their new show. 

Man loses 10 stone to stop being called a piratePA REAL LIFE

Relief manager Russel even nicknamed himself Lieutenant Fat Pigeon

When he met Davina at the start of the year, he pledged to change his life by losing a further seven stone. 

Russell joined LighterLife in May, after a friend recommended it, and he switched fatty foods for their nutritious meals, such as shepherd’s pie and spaghetti bolognese, and snacked on healthy bars and shakes. 

By sticking to the plan, he lost seven stone and on the last day of filming in September 2016, he weighed just 14 stone 7lbs. 

He said: “There were times I didn’t know if I’d make it, but I pushed myself to the limit and now I’m waiting for December 14 when I’ll be on TV. 

“Now some people jokingly call me ‘the ex-pirate,’ whereas other don’t recognise me and come into the shop asking where the holy pirate is.” 

LighterLife offers a nutritious range of plans for effective weight loss, combined with weekly group sessions that use CBT. For more information visit 

A new technique has been reported to help you shed the pounds. 

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