'Flesh-eating bug ate my penis': Cancer patient robbed of genitals after surgery

A FLESH-EATING superbug contracted in hospital was the cause of a cancer patient losing his penis, and he has now expressed his anguish over never being able to have sex with his wife again.

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

‘Flesh-eating bug ate my penis’PA/GETTY

‘Flesh-eating bug ate my penis’: Cancer patient Andrew Lane was robbed of his genitals

Andrew Lane, 61, from Thurrock, Essex suffered the horrendous infection after a routine operation to remove his prostate. 

But the former architectural draftsman is now suing the NHS for negligence and says all he can do now is “remember the good times” in the bedroom with his wife Sue, 59. 

Speaking to The Sun, Andrew said: “As a man you never know how much you will miss your penis until it’s gone. 

“I went into hospital a cancer patient for what doctors said would be a routine operation and came out without my manhood. 

‘Flesh-eating bug ate my penis’PA

‘Flesh-eating bug ate my penis’: Andrew suffered the infection after a routine operation

"I'm seething. It's been the most horrific ordeal."

Andrew explained he had a healthy sex life with his wife and they enjoyed sex two or three nights a week. But since the botched operation he's not even been able to look at himself naked.

The 61-year-old says he holds onto the fact that 40 per cent of people who contract the superbug he suffered with, die.

The couple, who have been together 14 year, made a decision to get married soon after the operation in 2013.

Sue said: "We had to show that the superbug hadn¹t beaten us, that we were just as close as ever - even though we can't have sex."

Andrew, who is now a carer, has a device with a valve fitted next to his testicles so he can now urinate.

He is now taking legal action against Southend University Hospital NHS Foundation trust over claims that his bowel was punctured during the original operation - this was not detected for days afterwards, which led to the infection.

While the damage is irreversible, he hopes that sharing his story will help raise awareness and stop it happening to anyone else.

‘Flesh-eating bug ate my penis’PA/GETTY

‘Flesh-eating bug ate my penis’: Andrew is now suing the NHS for negligence

Clinical negligence specialist at law firm Slater and Gordon, Nick Greaves, is representing Mr Lane in a civil action. 

“Mr Lane believed he was going into hospital for a routine operation and would be home within days,” he said. “Instead, he has been left with permanent and life-changing injuries that have turned his world upside down.

“Although nothing can change that, he wants to know what happened and ensure it is fully investigates and everything possible done to prevent anyone else having to go through the same ordeal.” 

A spokesman for Southend University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust confirmed it was aware of the legal case but could not comment as it was an “ongoing matter”. 

A rise of superbugs resistant to antibiotics poses a “bigger risk than cancer”, according to experts. 

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