Downloading THIS helped money-saving mum save THOUSANDS of pounds

MONEY saving mum, Kayleigh Hughes, saved under £800 on her Christmas shop and manages to feed her family on around £40 to £45 every week. Now she reveals exactly how she saves thousands of pounds each year.

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Money saving mum reveals how to save thousands in

Money saving mum Kayleigh Hughes has revealed how to save thousands in 2017

Kayleigh, who blogs for, saves money on everything from her grocery shop to buying presents to days out with her family. 

The mum-of-two, who lives in Grantham, claims everyone can cut their costs by making a few simple changes and applying some of her money saving rules. 

“By setting budgets, doing my research and couponing I have saved hundreds on my weekly food shop alone in 2016,” said Kayleigh.

“But it isn’t just my food shop that I save money on, by being consistent with budgeting and doing things like stockpiling, foraging, up cycling and car boot sales, I have ended up saving thousands in 2017. 

“Just by being a little bit more cautious with how much money you’re spending and by actively doing things to help you save a bit here and there, it’s surprising how quickly it tots up.”

Here are Kayleigh’s 17 ways to save in 2017

Building your stockpile 

A big part of saving money is by having a stockpile. You can stockpile anything that won’t go off. You can pay up to 70 per cent less by checking clearance stands and only buying items that are less than half the original price. 

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Slash the cost of your food shopping by learning how to coupon


Slash the cost of your food shopping by learning how to coupon. Check our websites, magazines and food packaging. Write letters to manufacturers too telling them how much you love their products and you may get a money off voucher in return. 

Voucher codes 

Know what stores are offering discount by checking websites like to find all the current available deals. 

Cash back apps

After doing your weekly food shop and once you’re back home, check your cash-back apps. There allow you to check if there’s cash-back on any items that you have bought. 

Yellow sticker items 

Heading for the discount aisle at the supermarket it a great way to find bargains. You can find some great yellow-sticker items that you can freeze and re-use whenever. 


A spot of foraging can save you a fortune on fresh fruit. Blackberries are brilliant growers and freeze well. They are tasty, versatile and completely free when foraged. 

Up cycling

By painting and adding a bit of wallpaper to an old chest of drawers or a desk that’s heading for the skip, you can make practical and stylish furnishings for a lot less money. 

Buy for Christmas all year round 

The best time to buy presents is just after Christmas as a lot of stores will hold 75 per cent off sales and you can pick some great gift sets as well as perfume and toys at bargain prices. You can save a lot of money on presents for next year. 

Toy stockpile for parties 

If your kids regularly attend parties, stockpile toys you pick up in the sales. This will make your life a lot easier next time a party is sprung on you lost minute. 

Charity shops 

Charity shops can be a great way to find top branded items for pennies. Always keep an eye our for labels and recognisable brands. 

Car boot sales 

You can grab hundreds of bargains every year by buying and selling a car boot sales. If you’re going to buy, always arrive just after it opens or just before it closes in order to bag the best bargains. Be prepare to haggle and keep your eye out for recognisable brands and labels. 

If you’re selling, avoid levelling your items (as this can put people off), bring lots of change and carrier bags and be prepared for hagglers. 

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Save money by giving foraging a go

Newspaper ticket promotions 

Fancy a cheap holiday for a tenner? Newspaper ticket promotions are a great way to get a cheap family getaway or day out. Save them before a school holiday for something to do over the break. 

Meal planning 

By planning ahead you cancun out the impulse trips to the shops, which always turn into a trolley full. Once you’ve done your meal plan, write a lit of ingredients you need for the week and go online before you head to the supermarket, so you can check which store has the best prices. 

Be creative

There are so many ways you can DIY your house to save money. At Christmas and Halloween, you can decorate your house with homemade items. This is a great way to get crafty with the kids and also save a few pennies in the meantime. 

Three for two and BOGOF deals 

Snapping up three for two and BOGOF deals can save you money on things like beauty products, toiletries and food. However, it is important to remember if you only want one of an item then get one. Otherwise you are adding more money than you intended to pay just to get one free. 

Grow your own 

One of the best ways to grow your own fruit and veg is to have an allotment. if you want to try on a smaller scale, try growing potatoes in a big black bin filled with compose and tomatoes in hanging baskets. 

Bargain buddy 

Having someone to hit the shops with is great. By taking a bargain buddy you can compare and share coupons and vouchers codes with each other and even have someone to do a spot of foraging, charity shopping or car boots with. 

Kayleigh revealed in December how she saved £800 on her Christmas shop. 

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