Acne treatment gave 24-year-old woman pancreatitis after just TWO months

ACNE treatment Roaccutane was the last resort for a woman who suffered from the skin condition since the age of 12 - but she never thought it would lead to pancreatitis.

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Can you really treat acne with a banana peel?

Charlotte Carpenter, 24, a hospital administrator from Burton on Trent suffered from severe acne for 12 years until she discovered a cure in sebum purifying serum.

Since a young age she had battled acne, and says she was put on just about every acne medication and treatment available.

She added: “The worst moment of my acne journey was last October when I was rushed to A&E with acute pancreatitis, which turned out to be a rare side effect of taking the acne drug Roaccutane, which I had been taking for two months.”

At 18 she was referred to a dermatologist and from there she put on several courses of different antibiotics - from Tetracycline to Erothramicin.

But the more medications she tried, the worse her skin became. She became so desperate and anxious about the state of her skin she was also prescribed anti-depressants by her GP.

She said: “I felt like I was in never-ending spiral downwards and I just didn’t know where or when it was ever going to end.

Acne treatment gave 24-year-old woman pancreatitis SEBOPURE

Acne treatment lead to Charlotte Carpenter getting pancreatitis

“Lots of my friends had had acne as teens and so had my brother but all theirs had cleared dup by their late teens. I was the only one left with terrible skin into my twenties. It made me feel like a freak and I started to become very antisocial and depressed.”

Charlotte was told by her dermatologist there was nothing left to try for her acne aside from Roaccutane.

Even though she was warned about the possible side effects of taking it she was still keen to try it.

In August last year, she began taking it, but while her skin improved, two months later she was admitted to hospital in an emergency from suffering horrendous pain in her side and loss of breath.

After several tests, consultants told Charlotte she had pancreatitis, a rare side effect of taking the drug.

She said: “It was a terrifying experience and made me think long and hard about what I was putting my body through to try and beat my acne. But to be honest I’d have done it all again is I was promised my acne would improve.

Acne treatment gave 24-year-old woman pancreatitis SEBOPURE

Acne sufferer Charlotte Carpenter suffered the skin condition since the age of 12

“But I was told I would not be prescribed any more anti-acne medications for the near future due to my adverse reaction to Roaccutane.

“I was devastated as I couldn’t imagine coping with my skin to going back to how it was, which of course it did, and worse. As soon as I stopped taking Roaccutance my skin literally erupted like a volcano.”

At one stage, Charlotte recalls it being so bad she woke up with blood all over her pillow from burst pustules.

But something life-changing happened, when Charlotte’s mum read an article about a new acne treatment called Sebopure and decided to order her some.

She said: “I thought it was a waste of time and money when my mum gave it to me button fact it’s been the thing that has completely changed my life.

Acne treatment gave 24-year-old woman pancreatitis SEBPORE

Sebopure has now helped Charlotte regain her confidence

“After two months os use my skin is virtually clear. I’m on no mediations of any description or any other acne treatments and my skin is as close to perfect as I could dare to wish for. I can happily walk around in public now without make up. The change in my skin in just two months has been nothing short of miraculous.

“Not only is my skin more or less clear of acne, the scars have started to soften and reduce too and look less remand the soreness of my skin that was there almost constantly ha completely gone.

“My confidence has gone through the rood and all I want to do now is make up for all the good times I’ve missed in the last few years when I washing away from the world.”

Sebopure costs £12.96 and is available from the Clarol website.

The side effects of Isotretinoin acne treatment (Roaccutane) can be found on the Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS website.

Acne sufferers can try these seven steps to treat spotty and oily skin.

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