Kate Middleton pregnant news update: Latest on Prince William and Duchess’ royal baby

KATE MIDDLETON, Duchess of Cambridge, and Prince William announced they were having their third baby together at the beginning of the month, but when is it due? What might they name the child? And has the sex been revealed? Here are the latest news updates.

By Katrina Turrill, Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Kate Middleton pregnant news update GETTY

Kate Middleton pregnant: When is the royal baby due?
  • Duchess of Cambridge, Kate Middleton, 35, and Prince William, 35, announced they were having their third child together on September 1. 
  • The Duchess of Cambridge shared the news early than expected after suffering severe morning sickness. 
  • The couple may have just hinted at the sex of the baby by revealing Kate’s food cravings. 

Wednesday 20 September 2017: 12:14pm 

The Duchess is reportedly considering a home birth after having her first two children at the hospital.

A source told MailOnline: “The Duchess knew it wasn’t possible for her first baby to be born at home, but she asked for a home birth for the second.

“Officials and doctors thought it too risky. There was concern and in the end she decided against it.”

It's believed the Duchess wanted to give birth to Princess Charlotte at Kensington Palace but ended up taking advice from medics.

Wednesday 20 September 2017: 10:53am 

Prince William visited the Spitalfields Crypt Trust in London yesterday and and was handed three hand-carved wooden owls for the new royal baby

The owls - one each for Prince George, Princess Charlotte and the new baby - were made by students at the Restoration Station. 

The organisation helps people through their recovery from addiction. 

William is reported to have described the gift as “very nice” and thanked the people who helped make them. 

Kate Middleton pregnant news updateGETTY

Kate Middleton pregnant: Has the baby's sex been revealed?

Kate Middleton pregnant latest updates and news on new royal baby.

Wednesday 20 September 2017: 8:52am 

Kate Middleton’s food cravings during her pregnancy, according to a source, has given people a huge clue into the gender of the child. 

A royal insider told the Daily Star: “Kate has always wanted a third child. 

“She has been trying for another baby for months…she is suffering from nausea and morning sickness again, and she cannot stop eating spicy food and candy.” 

According to an old wives’ tale craving for citrus fruits often leads to the mother giving birth to a girl. 

But a craving for spicy food suggests that the newborn could be a boy. 


Duchess of Cambridge, Kate Middleton, 35, and her husband Prince William, are expecting their third child together, and their children, Prince George, 4, and Princess Charlotte, 2, can expect a new baby brother or sister. 

Kensington Palace confirmed the news and revealed Kate was suffering from Hyperemesis Gravidarum, like with her two previous pregnancies. 

The palace’s statement read: “Their royal highnesses the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are very pleased to announced that the Duchess of Cambridge is expecting their third child. 

“The Queen and members of both families are delighted with the news. 

“As with her previous two pregnancies, the Duchess is suffering from Hyperemesis Gravidarum. 

“The Duchess is being cared for at Kensington Palace.” 

Kate Middleton pregnant news updateGETTY

Kate Middleton pregnant: When is the baby due?

The new baby will be the fifth line to the British throne and the Queen’s sixth great-grandchild.

As soon as the news broke, rumours have been rife over what the royal baby will be called and how Kate will give birth. 

Hints made by the couple and royal sources have also suggested when the baby is due. 

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