Google Chrome rival brings a feature that Instagram addicts will adore in new update

OPERA has rolled out support for a handy new feature that should appeal to social media obsessives. Here's everything you need to know.

By Aaron Brown, Express Affiliate Development Editor with 10 years of experience writing about the latest developments in consumer technology, product reviews, and buying advice

Google Chrome Web Browser Rival Opera New Features

If you find yourself constantly checking social media ...then it might be time to switch browsers (Image: OPERA)

Google Chrome remains comfortably the most popular web browser around. However, with , things could easily change. And one browser rival looking to make that happen is Opera.

Opera is based on the same Chromium codebase that underpins Google Chrome and the earlier this year. That means all of your existing bookmarks, saved logins, and settings will work seamlessly if you switch between these web browsers.

As the underlying speed and compatibility are the same, Opera has added a number of special features to its browsers in a bid to tempt Chrome fans away from the almost-ubiquitous app, which accounts for a jaw-plummeting 69percent of all desktop traffic online worldwide.

With Opera 68, the company is bringing the ability to check your Instagram from a small side-window within the web browser – so there's no need to look away from your laptop to your smartphone when you hear the PING! of a notification, or fancy a browse. As millions of Britons stay at home in a bid to stop the spread of the coronavirus pandemic, this nifty new feature could have a serious impact on productivity.


Instagram Update Google Chrome Browser Rival Opera

Tapping on the shortcut found on the left-hand side of the update browser window loads Instagram (Image: OPERA)

Instagram Update Google Chrome Browser Rival Opera

And it's a fully-featured version of the app, too (Image: OPERA)

Instagram Update Google Chrome Browser Rival Opera

Watching Instagram Stories, answering messages, and liking posts is all possible without leaving your current window (Image: OPERA)

Launching Instagram within the app loads-up the photo-based social network in a small floating window that slides-in over the content you're viewing in your current tab. It's a brilliant bit of multi-tasking as you can scroll through a few photos, reply to a message, and then return the Instagram window to its permanent home on the side-bar without ever navigating away from your main browser window.

That means you won't have to interrupt your Zoom meeting, Google Doc, or whatever you're working on.

If you find yourself reflexively checking for new posts on the facebook-owned social network throughout the day, the new feature included in the latest version of the Opera browser is definitely worth a look. It comes as Opera one-upped Google Chrome by providing a multitude of colour choices when it launched support for dark mode in its browser last year.

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