Update to Twitter mobile app could be DRAINING your mobile data

TWITTER will now autoplay GIFs, videos and Vines as your scroll past – which could cause chaos for those with a limited mobile data plan.

By Aaron Brown, Express Affiliate Development Editor with 10 years of experience writing about the latest developments in consumer technology, product reviews, and buying advice

Twitter has rolled out the update to iOS users – with a refreshed Android and website coming soon GETTY

Twitter has rolled out the update to iOS users – with a refreshed Android and website coming soon

Twitter rolled out a new feature last night – its second in a month.

The hugely successful social network has followed in Facebook's footsteps and introduced autoplay to its mobile apps.

Videos, Vines and GIFs will now begin without prompt when users pass the previews in their timeline.

Autoplaying videos will be muted, unless the user taps on the preview Autoplaying videos will be muted, unless the user taps on the preview [TWITTER]

Autoplaying videos will be muted, unless the user taps on the preview.

Turning a device into landscape will expand the video and toggle on the sound automatically too.

As always, Twitter users are able to Retweet, Favourite or comment on the video at any point during its playback.

Twitter also announced that it has expanded the size of video previews within its mobile app.

In an official company blog outlining the changes, the firm wrote: "Also starting today, videos will appear in a larger, more media-centric format in timelines. 

"During the autoplay tests we ran, we saw people engaging with videos in this new format at a much higher rate, and our brand and publishing partners saw improved view rates."

However – users with extremely limited mobile data plans could see the refreshed app drain data faster than before.

Luckily, Twitter has made it easy to disable the latest addition in the app – or specify that the app only use autoplay when connected to wifi.

Here's how:

Open Twitter on your smartphone and tap 'Me' at the bottom left of the screen

Next tap the settings button (which looks similar to sun shape next to Edit profile)

Then hit 'Video Autoplay' and simply select the option that suits you best.

Autoplay is rolling out on iOS today, with updates to the Android and Web app coming soon, Twitter confirmed.

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