WARNING: Heinz ketchup bottle QR code redirects customers to hardcore PORN website

HEINZ meanz porn.

By Aaron Brown, Express Affiliate Development Editor with 10 years of experience writing about the latest developments in consumer technology, product reviews, and buying advice

The two-year-old Heinz QR code recently started redirecting users to a hardcore porn website GETTY • HEINZ • PICTURE POSED BY MODEL

The two-year-old Heinz QR code recently started redirecting users to a hardcore porn website

Heinz has been forced to apologise after a QR code on its iconic ketchup bottle redirected one customer to a hardcore porn website.

Daniel Korell scanned the QR code – an optical label which stores data including URLs – thinking he was about to be redirected to a promotional Heinz website to design his own ketchup bottle label.

However, the German man was instead sent to a hardcore pornography website.

US food company Heinz ran its label designing competition between 2012 and 2014. Unfortunately, the website address for the Heinz promotion expired earlier this year.

German porn website FunDorado recently nabbed the ex-Heinz web address and used the domain to host its own pornographic content, The Local has reported.

 Heinz customer Daniel Korell highlighted the issue on the firm's Facebook page with this imageFACEBOOK • IG

Heinz customer Daniel Korell highlighted the issue on the firm's Facebook page with this image

This is why the two-year-old Heinz QR code began redirecting users to a porn-filled website.

We really regret the event very much and we're happy to take your suggestions for how we implement future campaigns on board


Mr Korell informed Heinz about the repurposing of their promotional website via the firm's Facebook page.

He wrote that the ketchup "probably isn't for minors" and blasted the firm for allowing its domain to expire so soon after the promotion.

Heinz replied: "We really regret the event very much and we're happy to take your suggestions for how we implement future campaigns on board." 

The baked bean firm told Mr Korell he would receive a free bottle of ketchup, with his own custom label.

Porn website FunDorado later commented on the same Facebook thread offering the unhappy customer a free one-year subscription to its hardcore webpage, The Verge reports.

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