Review: The Microsoft Lumia 640 is hugely impressive, but you shouldn't buy one

3 / 5 stars
Lumia 640

THE staggering Lumia 640 hardware outclasses a slew of devices in – and above – its budget price range. However, the impressive design, camera and HD display are let down by the lacklustre experience offered by Windows 8.1 operating system.

By Aaron Brown, Express Affiliate Development Editor with 10 years of experience writing about the latest developments in consumer technology, product reviews, and buying advice

Microsoft has built an impressive budget handset, its just a shame it runs Windows Phone EXPRESS NEWSPAPERS

Microsoft has built an impressive budget handset, its just a shame it runs Windows Phone

The Lumia 640 never feels like a budget smartphone.

The £110 handset is well-built, fast and sports a reliable point-and-shoot rear camera with surprisingly solid picture quality.

Nokia always had a reputation for impressive hardware design and sturdy build quality and that does not appear to have changed, despite the acquisition of the Finnish firm’s mobile division by Microsoft, back in 2013.

Unfortunately, brilliant hardware design is not enough to redeem the Lumia 640 which has its hands tied by the lacklustre Windows operating system and its infuriating vacuum of quality apps.

Look & Feel

There are issues with the Lumia 640 – but none are related to its hardware.

The Lumia’s brightly-coloured, smooth plastic shell is familiar ground for the ex-Nokia design team, but that doesn’t mean its any less impressive.

Do not be fooled by it’s budget price tag – the Lumia’s polymer rear case boasts an impressive, premium feel.

Judged on hardware quality and design alone – the Lumia 640 could easily triumph over many of the latest flagships, not least the LG G4.

Granted, the silk-smooth plastic case can feel a little slippery at times and the sleep/wake button is housed too far down the right-hand side of the phone, but these are both minor quibbles.

The Lumia 640’s brightly-coloured plastic shell never feels like a budget product EXPRESS NEWSPAPERS

The Lumia 640’s brightly-coloured plastic shell never feels like a budget product

The glossy plastic back is removable – revealing access to the Micro-SIM and MicroSD card slotEXPRESS NEWSPAPERS

The glossy plastic back is removable – revealing access to the Micro-SIM and MicroSD card slot

If you are already sold on the Windows 8.1 ecosystem – the Lumia 640 is a bargain EXPRESS NEWSPAPERS

If you are already sold on the Windows 8.1 ecosystem – the Lumia 640 is a bargain

Housed under the brightly-coloured case is a quad-core 1.2GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon 400 and 1GB of RAM.

Both keep the tile-centric operating system running smoothly.

Measuring just 8.8mm, the Lumia 640 may not be quite as svelte the latest flagship phones but still cuts a trim figure.

The glossy plastic back is removable – revealing access to the Micro-SIM, MicroSD and interchangeable battery packs.

The handset supports MicroSD cards up to 128GB and will likely be an essential purchase for Lumia 640 owners, since the phone itself only has a meagre 8GB of internal storage.

Fortunately, you won’t have to spend much time swapping battery packs in the Lumia 640 as the battery life is excellent.

The budget smartphone comfortably endures a couple of days of heavy usage before forcing you to reach for the MicroUSB cable.

Microsoft should be congratulated for the display on the budget Lumia.

The five-inch screen – which boasts an impressive 294pixels-per-inch – is colourful and crystal clear compared to other smartphones in the price range, like the budget Sony Xperia E4.

The Lumia 640 hardware outclasses devices with much steeper price tags YOUTUBE • MICROSOFT

The Lumia 640 hardware outclasses devices with much steeper price tags

Microsoft has bundled a generous OneDrive and Office 365 package with the budget handset YOUTUBE • MICROSOFT

Microsoft has bundled a generous OneDrive and Office 365 package with the budget handset


Microsoft has put together an impressive software bundle with the Lumia 640.

The £110 smartphone, which is free on £14per month contracts, ships with a free year of Office 365 Personal.

Lumia owners will get access to the full suite of Microsoft apps, including Word, Excel and PowerPoint on the new smartphone – and codes to register another two devices, like a tablet or laptop.

Office 365 Personal, which would usually cost customers £59.99, comes bundled with a terabyte of OneDrive cloud storage.

And just in case you ever thought you’d run out of cloud storage, Microsoft also gives Lumia 640 buyers 30GB of OneDrive to back-up their phones automatically.

At this point, the Lumia 640 starts to sound like an attractive proposition. And for Microsoft aficionados, it is a great deal.

However – for everybody else, the Windows Phone operating system is a stumbling block.

The Microsoft mobile OS is fast, fluid but lacks a number of crucial features for modern smartphone owners.

From the half-hearted background images – which will only bleed through some of the system’s live tiles – to the limited choice of customisable colours, including a choice of only two options for the systemwide background colour.

But the biggest issue with Windows Phone 8.1 is the app store.

Microsoft has desperately tried to entice third-party developers to its mobile platform – including announcing the ability to covert iOS and Android apps to Windows 10.

But despite their efforts, the Windows App Store is still disappointingly barren.

Amazon Prime Video, Google Chrome, CityMapper, SnapChat and a number of other key mobile apps are missing.

Others, including Instagram – which is currently in beta – are poor imitations of the mobile experiences on iOS and Android.

As a result, the Lumia feels hobbled by the stilted smartphone experience provided by Windows Phone 8.1.

Hopefully this will change with the upcoming release of Windows 10, which the Lumia 640 will be able to run.

Defying its budget price point – the Lumia 640 boasts a consistently competent rear camera EXPRESS NEWSPAPERS

Defying its budget price point – the Lumia 640 boasts a consistently competent rear camera

The Lumia 640 produces some vivid, colourful and bright photographs EXPRESS NEWSPAPERS

The Lumia 640 produces some vivid, colourful and bright photographs


The Lumia 640 has a functional one-megapixel front-facing camera capable of 720p video calls.

The selfie camera has a wide field of view and works well enough, but ultimately, is nothing to write home about.

However – the Lumia’s eight megapixel rear camera is truly impressive for a smartphone in its price range.

The rear shooter on Microsoft’s latest is capable of shooting 1080p video at 30frames per second and takes surprisingly consistent stills.

Photos from the Lumia 640 are bright and colourful – although details are quick to fuzz when you zoom into the eight megapixel images.

In a head-to-head with the LG G4 – the most impressive smartphone camera on the market at the moment – the Lumia 640 almost holds its own, despite the £300 difference.

Images from the Lumia 640 can quickly become dull, or fuzzy when zoomed inEXPRESS NEWSPAPERS

Images from the Lumia 640 can quickly become dull, or fuzzy when zoomed in

The LG G4 – the latest flagship from LG – has a brilliant rear camera, but costs considerably more moneyEXPRESS NEWSPAPERS

The LG G4 – the latest flagship from LG – has a brilliant rear camera, but costs considerably more

Final Verdict

Diehard Windows users looking for a budget but full-featured smartphone should look no further than the Lumia 640.

The £110 handset sports a playful-but-premium rear shell with a bright choice of colours.

Microsoft has packed the smartphone with a competent point-and-shoot rear camera and a bright five-inch screen.

If you are already sold on the Windows mobile ecosystem – the Lumia 640 is a steal.

However – for those not already locked into the Microsoft platform, the Lumia 640 much harder to recommend.

In fact, its almost impossible to recommend.

The software drought in the Windows App Store might be solved by Windows 10 but for now, it remains a painful admission.

Microsoft’s latest device boasts some stellar hardware – but without the third-party software needed to take advantage of it, Lumia 640 owners are left with lacklustre experience.

Android smartphones within the same price bracket do not offer the same competitive cloud storage and Office 365 subscription, but that’s alright.

A budget Android smartphone with a weaker display, or less reliable camera is easier to recommend – thanks to the rich pastures of the Google Play Store.

For a small minority of smartphone owners, the Microsoft Lumia 640 is the perfect budget handset. However, for the vast majority – its not.

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