Instagram is home to THOUSANDS of explicit PORN movies and photos

EXPLICIT CONTENT: Facebook-owned photo sharing website is packed with explicit pornographic videos and photos hidden on the family-friendly social network under obscure arabic hashtags.

By Aaron Brown, Express Affiliate Development Editor with 10 years of experience writing about the latest developments in consumer technology, product reviews, and buying advice, David Snelling, Technology Editor

Thousands and thousands of porn films and photographs have been unearthed on InstagramGETTY

Thousands and thousands of porn films and photographs have been unearthed on Instagram

Instagram prides itself on being a safe place to view pictures and videos.

But the hugely-successful service is actually home to over "one million" hardcore porn videos and pictures, hidden using obscure social hashtags.

Explicit videos are uploaded to the Facebook-owned photo sharing service using long hashtags, written in Arabic.

Many of the videos and photos shared on the family-friendly website show full, uncensored footage of hardcore sex.

The shocking content was unearthed by technology blogger Jed Ismael, who claims to have discovered more than one million examples of the explicit videos on Instagram.

Writing about the slew of porn hidden on the website, the blogger said: "Instagram has banned certain English explicit hashtags from being showed in search.

"Yet users seem to find a way around the policy, by using non English terms or hashtags.

"I came across this discovery by searching for the hashtag '?????' which means movies in Arabic."

The long, convoluted hashtags on Instagram reveal a seedy underworld to the social networkEXPRESS NEWSPAPERS • IG

The long, convoluted hashtags on Instagram reveal a seedy underworld to the social network has performed its own investigation, using the Arabic hashtags.

In a few minutes, we were able to find video clips of hardcore porn movies, as well as explicit photographs uploaded by users – typically advertising a SnapChat account username to other Instagram users.

In our experience, no age verification checks were in place to stop the x-rated material loading.

What makes this discovery even more shocking is the strict no-nudity policy enforced by Instagram.

Videos and photos shared on the family-friendly website show uncensored footage of sexIG

Videos and photos shared on the family-friendly website show uncensored footage of sex

Clips from explicit porn films were discovered on the websiteIG

Clips from explicit porn films were discovered on the website

The Facebook-owned brand's strict enforcement of its community guidelines led to the #FreeTheNipple movement, which called for the photo sharing site to stop taking down pictures that featured an uncensored female nipple. 

The gender equality movement, which was kickstarted by filmmaker Lina Esco back in 2014, highlighted the apparent double standards in censorship for men and women.

The US firm is renown for being particularly aggressive about pulling down images which feature an uncensored female nipple and break the social service's community guidelines.

In a nutshell, photographs can show any part of the breast but the nipple itself has to be blurred out. Unless it's male.

Addressing its no-nudity policy, Instagram explains on its community pages: "We know that there are times when people might want to share nude images that are artistic or creative in nature, but for a variety of reasons, we don’t allow nudity on Instagram.

"This includes photos, videos, and some digitally-created content that show sexual intercourse, genitals, and close-ups of fully-nude buttocks. It also includes some photos of female nipples, but photos of post-mastectomy scarring and women actively breastfeeding are allowed.

"Nudity in photos of paintings and sculptures is OK, too."

Instagram, which has incredibly strict guidelines on nudity and violence, is owned by FacebookGETTY

Instagram, which has incredibly strict guidelines on nudity and violence, is owned by Facebook

The news comes after an explicit documentary – that included footage of sexual intercourse filmed from inside a vagina – was allowed to be uploaded on YouTube.

Filmed using state-of-the-art video cameras, the short YouTube film shows an up-close and extremely graphic look at sex from inside a woman’s vagina.

The two-minute clip shows full penetration, filmed from inside the vagina and the tip of the penis. YouTube viewers also see explicit shots of the male orgasm.

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Branded "porn" by YouTube users, the sexually-explicit video is allowed to appear on the video sharing website because it is categorised as "educational", rather than pornographic.

A spokesperson for Instagram told, "We have zero tolerance for pornographic content.

"We invest in extensive controls, easy reporting and the best available technology to flag and swiftly remove violating content and accounts.

"As well as these tools, we also have hundreds of people in our Community Operations team, ready to provide support 24/7, across the globe and in over 30 languages.

"We regularly monitor for trends and are always improving our systems to provide a better experience for our community."

UPDATE - Monday 15/03

Instagram has since removed the pornographic images and videos posted using the hashtags reported in this article.

The adult content was removed because it violated the US social network's Community Guidelines.

Instagram relies on other users to report an image or account that makes them feel uncomfortable. These are then reviewed by a trained team.

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