This high-tech bed does everything you could ever dream of

THIS ultimate bed connects to your smartphone to control the temperature, check your vital statistics, wake you up if you're having a nightmare, kickstart a massage and instantly stop your snores.

By Aaron Brown, Express Affiliate Development Editor with 10 years of experience writing about the latest developments in consumer technology, product reviews, and buying advice

Balluga Bed can individually adjust temperature, stop you snoring and monitor your quality of sleep KICKSTARTER • IG

Balluga Bed can individually adjust temperature, stop you snoring and monitor your quality of sleep

A brand-new high-tech bed has been unveiled that claims to bring everyone a much better nights' kip.

Dubbed the Balluga Bed, this cutting-edge bed is able to monitor the quality of your sleep – and its makers even boasts that it can stop anyone snoring.

The clever bed, available in sizes from single to extra large double, monitors your vital statistics in real-time and automatically adjusts the bed to best suit your sleep needs.

And when the Balluga hears you snoring, it will automatically raise or lower your head to shut you up.

Similarly, if you get a little chilly in the wee small hours, the high-tech Balluga Bed can regulate your temperature for you.

The Balluga lets snoozers set an individual temperature for each side of the bed, which are then automatically maintained during sleep to keep your body at your optimum temperature – perfect for couples who have a nightly fight over the duvet.

And if you're feeling a little tense – the bed also has an in-built massage system that can be used to relax your weary muscles at the end of the day to help you nod off, or can be used to gentle rouse you in the morning with a rejuvenating massage.

The Balluga Bed even includes anti-snoring technology KICKSTARTER

The Balluga Bed even includes anti-snoring technology

If you enjoy a particularly good night's sleep, Balluga is able to recreate the exact conditions so you can experience that brilliant nights' kip, every night.

The companion smartphone app monitors your sleep pattern and lets you pick and choose which settings helped you sleep – it can even wake you up to interrupt a nightmare.

Balluga founder Joe Katan explains: “We all know how important it is to get a good night’s sleep, and I’m sure I’m not alone in understanding how a bad night’s sleep effecting our mood and productivity.

The clever bed is available in sizes from single to extra large double KICKSTARTER

The clever bed is available in sizes from single to extra large double

"I came up with the concept of the Balluga Bed seven years ago as I couldn’t find a mattress that solved my sleep needs. 

"Now, through combining the most advanced air suspension system and a range of incredibly useful smart features, we can make the concept of the perfect sleep more than just a dream.”

The Balluga bed has launched a Kickstarter campaign in the hope of raising $50,000 to fund the project.

At the time of writing, some 16 backers have helped to fund $14,209 towards its total.

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