People are having less sex, and this popular tech company might be to blame

FALTERING sex rates have been caused by the popularity of Netflix and binge-watching Game of Thrones box sets, a Cambridge University professor has claimed.

By Aaron Brown, Express Affiliate Development Editor with 10 years of experience writing about the latest developments in consumer technology, product reviews, and buying advice

People are having less sex, and one Cambridge University professor thinks this video on-demand firm is to blameGETTY

People are having less sex, and a Cambridge University prof thinks the streaming firm is to blame

Cambridge University statistician David Spiegelhalter is convinced he has pinpointed the cause of declining sex rates – Netflix.

At this rate, by 2030 couples are not going to be having any sex at all

David Spiegelhalter

The renown statistician and author of Sex By Numbers believes the age of box set bingeing is responsible for the gradual decline.

Addressing an audience at the Hay Festival, Professor Spiegelhalter said: "People are having less sex.

"Sexually active couples between 16 and 64 were asked and the median was five times in the last month in 1990, then four times in 2000 and three times in 2010. 

"At this rate, by 2030 couples are not going to be having any sex at all.

David Spiegelhalter is convinced he has pinpointed the trend in declining sex rates – NetflixGETTY

David Spiegelhalter is convinced he has pinpointed the trend in declining sex rates – Netflix

Previous studies have shown a link between a person's sleep levels and their sex driveGETTY

Previous studies have shown a link between a person's sleep levels and their sex drive

"You say why? Statisticians say I don't know.

"One of the researchers mentioned the word iPad. I think it's the box set, Netflix. OMG I've got to watch the entire second series of Game of Thrones."

Previous studies have shown a link between a person's sleep levels and their sex drive.

So the idea that slapping on a few extra episodes of Orange Is The New Black before bed could kill your libido if not as far-fetched as it might first seem.

The news comes as

Netflix's measures your personal internet connection speeds with an ad-free, streamlined design that is quick and easy to understand.

According to the US technology firm, so if things don't look good they can ask their Internet Service Provider, or ISP, about the results.

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