How to find the secret Facebook inbox on your iPhone

FACEBOOK hides some of your messages in a second inbox on your iPhone app, luckily there’s a quick way to check to see if you’ve missed anything important.

By Aaron Brown, Express Affiliate Development Editor with 10 years of experience writing about the latest developments in consumer technology, product reviews, and buying advice

Facebook hides some messages from you, here’s how to find themGETTY • FACEBOOK

Facebook hides some messages from you, here’s how to find them

Did you know hides some messages from you?

The US social network won’t ping your iPhone with a notification when you receive messages from certain recipients, making it incredibly easy to miss them.

Worse still, Facebook sorts these messages away into a separate inbox.

If you didn’t realise this was going on behind-your-back, chances are you have a few messages gathering dust in that inbox.

To find the hidden messages on your iPhone, you’ll first need to load the Messenger app.

Tap on the People icon in the navigation bar at the bottom of the iOS app, then Message Requests.

Hit the People icon in the navigation bar at the bottom of the iOS appFACEBOOK • EXPRESS NEWSPAPERS

Hit the People icon in the navigation bar at the bottom of the iOS app

Any messages from people not yet in your Facebook friends will be found in the Filtered Requests list.

Tap Show All beneath Filtered Requests to seen all of the messages that Facebook has squirrelled away.

Granted, some of it will be useless spam but there could be some messages from people that prove to be incredibly helpful.

Facebook keeps all of these hidden text messages in Filter Requests, found in the Message Requests menuFACEBOOK • EXPRESS NEWSPAPERS

Facebook keeps these hidden text messages in Filter Requests, found in the Message Requests menu

Unearthing the original hidden inbox, one member of the team found an email from a kind stranger who'd found their lost wallet … back in 2013.

Another team member stumbled across a message from a competition organiser informing them that they were the lucky winner of a digital camera.

Unfortunately the competition – and the subsequent distribution of prizes – had wrapped up some five months earlier.

This menu within Facebook Messenger also contains Suggested Contacts.

These are people Facebook thinks you might know, based on a slew of data.

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