Facebook saved phone call and text message data FOR YEARS, are YOU affected?

FACEBOOK has responded to reports it scrapes and saves call and text message data from social media users.

By Aaron Brown, Express Affiliate Development Editor with 10 years of experience writing about the latest developments in consumer technology, product reviews, and buying advice

Facebook saved your phone call and text message history for years, it confirms FACEBOOK • GETTY

Facebook saved your phone call and text message history for years, it confirms

Facebook has responded to reports it saves phone call and text message data from its users.

The scandal-plagued company confirmed that it while it does scrape call and text data from users, this only takes place after users have given the social network permission.

was only able to obtain this data from Android users, since iOS has never allowed silent access to call data.

The most recent versions of the Android should protect against this type of quiet data collection.

Facebook shared its statement on the data collection in a blog post, entitled Fact Check: Your Call and SMS History.

The strongly-worded response reads: “You may have seen some recent reports that Facebook has been logging people’s call and SMS (text) history without their permission.

"This is not the case.”

Facebook explains that call and text history logging are an opt-in feature included on Messenger and Facebook Lite on Android.

Facebook asks users for permission when setting up the Messenger appFACEBOOK

Facebook asks users for permission when setting up the Messenger app

Choosing to use these features provides users with “a better experience across Facebook”.

“People have to expressly agree to use this feature. If, at any time, they no longer wish to use this feature they can turn it off in settings,” Facebook adds.

According to Facebook, the content of text messages and phone calls was not collected.

Instead, the US social network simply sees “when a call or text was made or received” to your smartphone.

“Your information is securely stored and we do not sell this information to third parties. You are always in control of the information you share with Facebook,” it states.

Users who no longer want to continuously upload call and text information to Facebook can turn-off the feature in their settings.

It’s possible to turn-off continuous call and text history logging while keeping contact uploading enabled.

The news comes as Facebook has come under fire following the revelation that Cambridge Analytica, a UK-based political firm hired by Trump for the 2016 campaign, had improperly accessed information on 50 million users.

The news has wiped-off almost $50 billion from Facebook’s market value as investors fear the dealings with Cambridge Analytica could permanently damage the social network’s reputation, deter advertisers and invite tougher regulation.

Co-founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg made his first public appearance since the scandal broke, addressing the Cambridge Analytica revelations on CNN.

The 33-year-old billionaire told the news network that he would be happy to appear before US Congress "if it's the right thing to do".

"This was a major breach of trust, and I'm really sorry that this happened," he added.

Zuck did not explicitly apologise for the improper use of data by Facebook, and his plans did not represent a big reduction of advertisers' ability to use Facebook data, which is the company's lifeblood.

Facebook has said the data was harvested by Aleksandr Kogan, a psychology academic, who created an app on the platform that was downloaded by 270,000 people.

It says he then violated its policies by passing the data to Cambridge Analytica.

Facebook requested the data of 50 million users be deleted from its database, but allegedly never followed-up to check its users’ information was safely disposed of.

"I don't know about you, but I'm used to when people legally certify that they are going to do something, that they do it,” Mr Zuckerberg told CNN.

“But I think this was clearly a mistake in retrospect.”

Alexander Nix, the head of Cambridge Analytica who was suspended on Tuesday, said in a secretly recorded video that his company had played a decisive role in Trump's election victory.

At the time, Facebook’s settings allowed app developers to access the personal data of not just the people who used their app, but of all of their friends as well.

Mr Zuckerberg said Facebook has already taken the most important steps to prevent such a situation from happening again.

He told CNN the site would be reviewing thousands of apps in an "intensive process".

Facebook will ban developers who do not agree to an audit, and an app's developer will no longer have access to data from people who have not used that app in three months.

He said he was confident Facebook could "get in front" of the problem.

"This isn't rocket science. There's a lot of hard work we have to do to make it harder for nation states like Russia to do election interference," he said.

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