'Putin clapping in delight' Sturgeon skewered for saying Ukraine war makes indy case

NICOLA STURGEON has come under fire for saying Russia's war in Ukraine only makes Scotland's push for independence more important.

By Katie Harris, Political Reporter

Sturgeon's independence bid 'failed spectacularly' on world stage

The First Minister insisted independence would "better equip" Scotland to "play its full part... in trying to find a solution to the challenges the world faces". But the Scottish Lib Dems insisted Vladimir Putin would be "clapping in delight" at the prospect of the UK breaking up, while the Scottish Tories branded the SNP leader's comments "absurd".

Scottish Lib Dem leader Alex Cole-Hamilton said: "Nothing, literally nothing about the devastation of the sovereign nation of Ukraine has anything to do with Nicola Sturgeon’s narrow separatist agenda to break up the UK.

"To pretend otherwise is an insult to those brave Ukrainian men and women fighting for their lives.

"It's not clear why splitting one of Ukraine's strongest allies in two would help the world in the slightest

"If anything it would have Putin clapping in delight.

nicola sturgeon

Nicola Sturgeon has come under fire for her latest comments on Scottish independence (Image: GETTY)

"By splitting apart, both Scotland and the rest of the UK would be poorer and less effective on the international stage.

"That's not what I want for my country.

"The world is a dangerous place.

"We should be focused on forging new partnerships, not breaking apart."

READ MORE: Sturgeon told to 'stop talking about indyref2'

nicola sturgeon

The SNP leader made the comments on Tuesday during a trip to the US (Image: GETTY)

Donald Cameron, Scottish Conservative Shadow Cabinet Secretary for the Constitution, External Affairs and Culture, added: “According to the SNP, virtually every domestic or international problem either makes the case for, or would be resolved by, independence, so we shouldn’t be surprised by Nicola Sturgeon’s latest comments.

“It is absurd to claim that breaking up one of Europe’s strongest countries would bolster our region’s stability and security.

“The First Minister’s stance on NATO is hypocritical and naïve – so too is her attempt to use an international crisis as a way of talking up her own constitutional ambitions.”

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Scottish independence

Scottish independence 2014 vote broken down by area (Image: EXPRESS)

Speaking in an interview with the Associated Press in the US on Tuesday, Ms Sturgeon said Russia's brutal invasion of Ukraine only makes Scotland's drive for independence more important.

She said: “With all the challenges it’s more important that Scotland plays its full part... in finding the solutions to the challenges the world faces.

“And independence better equips us to do that."

The SNP leader has repeatedly stated she plans to hold a second vote on Scottish independence before the end of next year.

The Scottish Government is preparing to bring forward legislation it hopes will lead to a fresh ballot.

However the UK Government has maintained that it will not allow another referendum to take place.

It comes after Scots voted against independence by 55 percent to 44 percent in the 2015 vote.

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