Meghan barred me from making a speech at wedding says father

THE Duchess of Sussex’s rift with her father Thomas Markle deepened yesterday after he complained she had banned him from making a speech at the Royal wedding. Mr Markle, who has been shunned by Meghan for almost three months, described how he had wanted to make a short speech but Harry had told him: “You will have to talk to Meghan,” and she had said there was “no room” at either of the wedding receptions for him to speak.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

GMB: Thomas Markle on Meghan's engagement to Prince Harry

The retired Emmy award-winning Hollywood lighting engineer, was due to walk his daughter up the aisle at St George’s Chapel, Windsor Cas- tle, on May 19 and give her away.

But he pulled out after claiming he had suffered a heart attack amid controversy over his decision to sell paparazzi pictures.

Even though the hospital con- cerned has denied that he was admitted, Mr Markle insists that was down to patient con dentiality and he really had been treated.

He said: “The insurance bills were $140,000 (£110,000) and I have to pay $20,000 of it as excess.”

What may also have played a part in his choice to pull out was the fact that his daughter did not believe there was enough time for her father to speak at the wedding.

Despite the apparent ban on the father-of-the-bride speech, guests did hear from Prince Charles, Prince William and Harry’s friends Tom Inskip and Charlie Van Straubenzee as well as the Duke and Duchess.

Yesterday, Mr Markle, 74, said her snub left him hurt.

He said: “I was going to recount the funny story about how she broke the news to me about dating Harry: ‘Daddy, I’ve met a man. Daddy, he’s English. Daddy, he’s a prince'.

Hollywood Emmy winner Markle

Hollywood Emmy winner Markle (Image: GARETH FULLER)

“It was a cute story. Like any father I wanted to say a few words.

"I was going to thank the Royal Family for welcoming my beautiful daughter into their family.

"But it was a speech that I was never going to be allowed to give. That hurt.”

He and his daughter have not spo- ken since he began criticising her and the Royal Family for the way he has been cut out of their lives.

The intense media spotlight trained on Meghan and Harry’s romance brought “chaos” to his once-quiet retirement in Rosarito Beach, Mexico, near the border.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex attending their friend, Alexander Van Straubenzee's Wedding

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex attending their friend, Alexander Van Straubenzee's Wedding (Image: UNKOWN)

Mr Markle has lost almost 3st since his heart attack and insists, while he is happy for his daughter, he “loathes” the circus that came with her relationship.

Harry, 33, and Meghan, 37, were embarrassed after Mr Markle was exposed for colluding with a Los Angeles photo agency which paid for pictures purporting to show him preparing for the wedding, including tting his suit.

Kensington Palace complained he was being hounded by paparazzi and insisted he had not colluded with anyone, even the British newspaper industry could see the photos had been posed.

On Saturday, the Daily Express reported claims that he had lied about the photos in a call from Harry eight days before the wedding.

Yesterday, Mr Markle con rmed the story and went on to tell how he ended up angrily hanging up on the “rude” Prince three days later.

Harry who has never met his father-in-law, had warned him from the start not to speak to the media.

Mr Markle said: “Harry told me I should never go to the press, that it would end in tears.

"He said: ‘They will eat you alive.’ He was right.”

But he ignored the advice, something he now claims to regret.

But when Harry rang to ask him whether photos of him being fitted for his wedding suit had been staged, he lied, telling him: “No, I was being measured for a new hoodie.”

The newly married royal couple on their wedding earlier this year

The newly married royal couple on their wedding earlier this year (Image: GETTY)

Three days later, in the week before the wedding, Harry and Meghan rang again, when he claims he was in hospital recovering from heart surgery.

According to his account, Harry told him: “If you had listened to me this would never have happened.”

He told how he thought the Prince was “rude” and says he replied: “Maybe it would be better for you guys if I was dead... then you could pretend to be sad. Then I hung up.”

Prince Harry and Kensington Palace refused to comment yesterday.

My daughter will mother Harry

THOMAS Markle believes his daughter Meghan is a “motherly” wife who will nurture Harry.

He saw that quality during her rst marriage to lm director and producer Trevor Engelson. “She was the same with Trevor,” said father Mr Markle.

“Meghan is very maternal by nature. “She loves to cook and she will mother Harry.

“He’s eating properly now, he’s dressing the way she wants him to. All men need that.”

I never even got an invitation to keep as a momento

WHEN Thomas Markle realised he would not be able to attend his daughter’s wedding, he hoped he would at least be able to keep a small memento from the special day.

But he has revealed he never received a formal gold-embossed wedding invitation in the name of Prince Charles.

“I never got a wedding invitation. At rst I thought, ‘That’s OK because I’m part of the wedding,’ but I would have loved to have had an invitation to put in a frame,” he said.

“I asked Meghan to send invitations to all my family.

“I told her they wouldn’t be able to come because they would never be able to afford the ight, but that it would be a nice gesture on her part. Of course that didn’t happen.”

Mr Markle says he was also told by his daughter that there would be “no room” in the ceremony for him to make a speech.

He says his treatment contrasts with that of Meghan’s mother Doria Ragland, who was warmly welcomed by the Royals on the day.

She was seen chatting to the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall.

And during the service she took her seat at the head of the chapel, close by the rest of the Royal family.

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