Charles to visit key area in Canada with Camilla in another royal Commonwealth visit

PRINCE Charles will see the effects of climate change up close by visiting one of Canada's disappearing ice roads next month.

By Richard Palmer - Royal Correspondent, Royal Correspondent

Charles and Camilla

Charles and Camilla will acknowledge the shameful treatment of indigenous people in Canada’s schools (Image: Getty)

In the far northwest of the vast country he will meet indigenous people who face huge detours to get between isolated communities because the ice roads are freezing later and melting earlier each year because of global warming. His visit will come during a three-day tour of the country which he and Camilla are undertaking from May 17 to 19 to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee as monarch of Canada.

They will travel 2,000 miles across the world’s second largest country in a whistle-stop tour that will see them visit Newfoundland and Labrador on the eastern tip of Canada and end up at Yellowknife in the Northwest Territories after visiting the capital Ottawa.

The heir to the throne will see the disappearing ice road connecting the community of Dettah with Yellowknife, the capital city of the Northwest Territories, where the melting ice turns a 20-minute trip along a 3.9 mile route across Yellowknife Bay and the Great Slave Lake into a two-and-a-half hour journey along an alternative route.

Global warming is happening three times faster in the Northwest Territories than the world average and whereas the ice road was open for 140 days in some years in the 1990s it was down to 91 days in 2017 and 2019.

Charles, 73, and Camilla, 74, will also acknowledge the shameful treatment of indigenous people in Canada’s residential schools during their tour of the nation.

Within hours of landing in the Commonwealth country the couple will take part in a “solemn moment of reflection and prayer” in a garden dedicated to indigenous victims of the school system which saw thousands die or abused.

Last year hundreds of human remains were discovered in unmarked graves at former church-run schools - institutions to which indigenous children were forcibly relocated for generations.

From the 19th Century until the 1970s, more than 150,000 indigenous children were forced to attend state-funded Christian boarding schools in an effort to assimilate them into Canadian society. Thousands of children died of disease and other causes.

Many never returned to their families and the Canadian government has also acknowledged that physical and sexual abuse was rampant in the schools, with students beaten for speaking their native languages.

Chris Fitzgerald, deputy private secretary to the prince for foreign, commonwealth and development affairs, said the couple would commemorate those who suffered in the residential schools during a visit to the Heart Gardens at Government House in St John’s, the provincial capital of Newfoundland and Labrador, soon after arriving in the country.

“Their Royal Highnesses will first take part in a solemn moment of reflection and prayer at the Heart Garden, on the grounds of Government House, with indigenous leaders and community members in the spirit of Reconciliation,” he said.

“Heart Gardens are in memory of all indigenous children who were lost to the residential school system, in recognition of those who survived, and the families of both.”

Mr Fitzgerald said: “Throughout the tour Their Royal Highnesses will take the opportunity to continue to engage with indigenous communities.

“Over five decades, His Royal Highness continues to learn from indigenous peoples in Canada and around the world. He recognises their deep ties to the land and water and the critical traditional knowledge they hold to restore harmony between people and nature.”

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