Princess Anne plants last of The Queen's Jubilee trees

PRINCESS Anne planted the last of six million trees across the UK today that will provide a lasting legacy of her mother's Diamond Jubilee.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

Princess Anne plants the 6 millionth tree by the charity The Woodland Trust Princess Anne plants the 6 millionth tree by the charity The Woodland Trust

The Princess Royal said she was stunned by the success of the Jubilee Woods project, which has created more than 12,000 acres of new woodland across the country.
Run by the Woodland Trust, the project has resulted in the planting of one 500-acre diamond woodland in the National Forest in Leicestershire and 60 diamond woods of more than 60 acres each elsewhere.

It has also led to the creation of 400 new woods of more than an acre and provided trees to 3,500 communities and 40,000 schools.

Anne, 62, went to one such school today, Ashburnham Community School in Chelsea, west London, where she was joined by Prime Minister David Cameron for the ceremonial planting of the final specimen - a wild cherry tree - and hailed the success of the programme. She said she hoped it would herald a new relationship between nature and 3 millon people who had benefited.

 Princess Anne, speaking prior to planting her tree

"I have to own up that I didn't believe that was possible when we started and I am hugely impressed by that success," Anne, the patron of the project said.

"A very big thank you to the Woodland Trust for what was, I suspect some people thought, a slightly ambitious plan."

It had been "an entirely appropriate and worthy way of celebrating" the Jubilee, she said.

"These milestones don't happen very often and we celebrate the event but we also celebrate very much the person who has instilled that continuity in that period.

"These woodlands will do that for us in the future, really something to mark that passage of time which has gone.

"So a big thank you on behalf of Her Majesty for a wonderful way of celebrating her Diamond Jubilee and we look forward to building on those partnerships which have been created."

Sue Holden, chief executive of the Woodland Trust, said Britain's trees faced a "tough time" - and warned many areas of ancient woodland were under threat of development.

"Jubilee Woods has been an incredible success but this has got to be seen as the beginning because these are tough times for our trees and woods," she said.

"Eighty million Ash trees are threatened by a disease at the moment and our ancient woods are under threat - we have 300 threatened by development."

She went on: "We've just commissioned some research that shows that the simple act of planting a tree helps children feel empowered, feel they can do something to help their local environment.

"And those feelings stay with them when they are adults."

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