'My mother would be proud' Prince Harry talks of Diana in speech to rid world of landmines

PRINCE Harry entertained US policy makers and wealthy donors at a British embassy reception early today on a mission to finish his mother's work ridding the world of landmines.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

Prince Harry speaks at a dinner at the British Ambassador s residence Prince Harry speaks at a dinner at the British Ambassador's residence

Harry chatted with 200 guests at a reception hosted by British ambassador Sir Peter Westmacott and the HALO Trust anti-landmines charity before a dinner for 37 key influential donors and decision-makers.

The Prince is patron of HALO's 25th anniversary appeal and at the dinner, he evoked the memory of Princess Diana's ultimately successful campaign in 1997 to bring about a worldwide ban on landmines.

"My mother, who believed passionately in this cause, would be proud of my association with HALO.," he said.

"In her special way, she adopted it as her own.  She would join me – along with all of you, I’m sure – in praising HALO for the amazing work that it has done over the past quarter century, and in hoping that one day soon its humanitarian work will be done.? You can't say that about many charities, so what a privilege it is for all of us to be a part of this." ?

 Prince Harry speaks to US Army Col Gregory Gadson

It was hot work in the dining room and earlier pressing the flesh. In the sweltering heat and humidity, Harry was bathed in sweat and mopped his brow as he stood in a receiving line to greet each guest before working the room.

Among them were several US politicians, as well as Secretary of State John Kerry's wife Teresa Heinz, and President Obama's deputy national security adviser Anthony Blinken.

Harry's efforts to raise international awareness as well as money from the US government and private philanthropists to complete Princess Diana's 1997 mission were praised by Guy Willoughby, director of the HALO Trust.


"In some ways he has more fervour even than Princess Diana because he has seen so many British and other troops losing their legs on duty in places like Afghanistan," Mr Willoughby said.

"So in many ways it's a more personal cause for him. It goes with his work for Walking With the Wounded and Help for Heroes."

Mr Willoughby said with a bit more cash, countries such as Kosovo, Sri Lanka, and Mozambique could be landmine-free within five years. Other such as Afghanistan and Angola could be rid of the danger to civilians within 10 years, he said.

The British ambassador said Harry was helping to wave the flag for Britain and shine the spotlight on the cause. "This tour is the biggest royal event in America this year," he said.

He joked with guests: "I have heard it muttered that this is a warm up act for the royal baby. I am sure this is nonsense."

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