Prince Harry attends glitzy night as US celebs queue to meet him... including Will.I.Am

PRINCE Harry was guest of honour last night at a glitzy fund-raising reception where celebrities and the super-rich queued to meet him.

By Richard Palmer in New York, Royal Correspondent

Prince Harry attended the event with Will I Am Prince Harry attended the event with Will.I.Am

The reception was held in Manhattan's Four Seasons Restaurant and was thrown by the American Friends of The Royal Foundation of The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry.

Among the guests was Sean Lennon, son of Beatle John, author of Bright Lights Big City author Jay Mcinerney and his socialite and philanthropist wife Anne Hearst-Mcinerney, sister of Patti, and the daughter of publishing tycoon Randolph J Hearst.

Prime Minister David Cameron also leant his support.

Prince Harry, royal, USA tourPrince Harry addresses the American Friends of The Royal Foundation dinner

Sean Lennon was keen to meet the Prince. "It's great that he is here. He seems to be really enjoying it. But it seems as if the whole city is running around trying to spot him, so I hope he doesn't think New York is always like this," he said. "He is well loved here."

Another guest was Miss USA Nana Meriwether, standing 6 ft 4 inches in her Zara heels. She said: "He is doing a wonderful job of representing your country here. Miss USA is like royalty in the States so I am really hoping to meet him.

"He is single, right? Well so am I. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we married. And he is very tall and good looking, I hear. Perfect. We are meant to be."

A late guest was pop star and The Voice judge Will.i.Am who arrived after Harry wearing a burgundy suit and hat and a wild pair of silver studded shoes.

Prince Harry, Will.I.AmWill.I.Am wore gold shoes to the event with Prince Harry


He said: "I am a fan of how Queen Elizabeth raised her children and how they have raised their children. I am a great admirer of Prince Charles and his charity work and I think it is incredible Harry has made it part of his legacy to carry this on.

"He doesn't have to do what he does, so I applaud him."

The Black Eyed Peas star and producer met Harry after last year's Diamond Jubilee concert at which he performed and has supported Prince Charles's charity work.

He added: "He's a party prince, a soldier and a philanthropist. Hes a regular guy. If Harry was a movie character he would be Iron Man.

USA Prince Harry tourMiss USA Nana Meriweather was a fan of the Prince

"I grew up watching documentaries about the Royal Family so I am really pleased ro be meeting him."

The Royal Foundation is a charitable organisation set up by William and Harry and now joined by Kate to channel their philanthropic activities, focused on helping military families, conservation, and children and young people.

Guests dined on heirloom tomato and buffalo mozzarella, filet mignon with maitre d'hotel butter and asparagus and a trio of desserts including bar room chocolate cake, strawberry shortcake and individual lemon tarts.


The evening kicked off with a cocktail reception followed by dinner with a speech by the Prince. Nick Booth, chief executive of the Royal Foundation, said more than 500,000 dollars had already been raised.

The dining area  had a marble pool in the centre of it decorated with shimmering tea lights. Many of the women were wearing designer cocktails dresses, Louboutin shoes and covered in diamonds.

Harry was sat at a table with senior figures from his charity as well as popstar Will.i.Am. In his speech the Prince thanked the Foundation's US arm for its support.

"Thank you, from William, Catherine and me.  You are such an important part of our Foundation family," he said.

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