Camilla celebrates 75 years of volunteering

THEY have provided tea and comfort to Britain since 1938 but for once the love and attention was lavished on members of the Royal Voluntary Service today.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

The Duchess of Cornwall The Duchess of Cornwall

The Duchess of Cornwall joined 1,800 volunteers and supporters at a thanksgiving service at St Paul's Cathedral to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the organisation, which started out as the Women's Voluntary Service and changed its name from the WRVS earlier this week to encourage more men to help and use its services.

Its 40,000 volunteers, providing services such as Meals on Wheels with local authorities, hospital cafes and shops, and good neighbour initiatives, have ensured that the organisation has become part of the fabric of British life. RVS-run hospital cafes and shops provide £6 million a year for the National Health Service alone and make it Britain's fourth largest tea and coffee chain, albeit one staffed by volunteers.

Camilla became the charity's president in December after joining Prince Charles as patron of the Daily Express-backed Diamond Champions scheme to celebrate the selfless work of volunteers aged over 60 and plans to work with the newspaper again this year on a similar campaign.

"I'm delighted the Daily Express is supporting Diamond Champions again this year. It's a fantastic scheme supporting some wonderful volunteers," she said.

At a reception in the cathedral crypt after the ceremony, the Duchess met a wide range of RVS members.

"What got you started?" she asked Zelma Hallat, 83, who has been working as a volunteer for the organisation for 45 years. Mrs Hallatt, a Methodist from Grange-over-Sands, Cumbria, told her: "When I was young, my mother said, 'there's not much point in going to church on Sunday if you don't go out on Monday and do something’. I have been for 45 years."

Camilla, 65, also met 102-year-old Margaret Miller, a volunteer in Glasgow since 1939, a year after the service first began as a civilian organisation helping to organise air raid precautions. "We always considered we were part of a family rather than an organisation," she said.


At the service, actress Josette Simon, along with broadcasters Esther Rantzen and Roy Noble, gave readings celebrating the work of volunteers and actress Patrician Routledge gave the address, recalling the history of the WVS and the pioneering work of its founder Lady Stella Reading, who declared: "The ultimate strength of a nation lies in the character of the men and women who are that nation and voluntary service is an integral part of that character."

In his sermon, the Reverend Canon Michael Hampel, the canon in residence at St Paul's, took a swipe at David Cameron's Big Society initiative to encourage volunteering.

He said it had been estimated volunteering saved the taxpayer around £25 billion a year. But he added: "There can be no surer way of discouraging us from volunteering as when politicians tell us how much bigger we can make our society if more of us did a bit of volunteering.

Ms Routledge, famed for her role as Hyacinth Bucket in the BBC series Keeping Up Appearances, picked up on that comment afterwards. "This country would disintegrate without the voluntary work and the Government must know it," she said.

"We're doing it already, that's been going on for years without the Government telling us. It's as though they've discovered it – people can do things for the benefit of others.

"I think in this country more than anywhere, people jump to it and help people readily."


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