Bootiful baby gift for soccer fan Prince William

HIS first child isn’t even due for another two months but already Prince William is looking forward to a kickaround after he was given a toddler-sized football yesterday.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

Prince William receives the toddler sized football from Michel Platini yesterday Prince William receives the toddler-sized football from Michel Platini yesterday

William, who is president of the Football Association, was presented with the ball by European soccer chief Michel Platini.

The former French international met the football-mad Duke of Cambridge at the opening of the UEFA Congress in London.

The Prince was also given an adult-size football signed by 11 players who have taken part in an anti-racism campaign.

Speaking yesterday ahead of the Champions League final which is being hosted at Wembley tonight, the second-in-line to the throne predicted a 2-0 victory for Bayern Munich over Borussia Dortmund in the game. He also expressed his pride in the FA, which is celebrating its 150th anniversary.

He told delegates: “It is a great honour for us, the English FA, to host not just this prestigious congress but of course – the real excitement – tomorrow’s Champions League final.”

“My money is on Bayern Munich and two-nil. To host these events during our 150th anniversary year is truly special.

“The rules of association football were drafted 150 years ago in a London pub very close to where we meet today.

“As you know, we English have a love affair with both football and our pubs, so it’s no surprise that one helped create the other.” William, 30, also stressed the legacy of sport and how last summer’s London Olympics had inspired people.

prince william, football, toddler, baby, ball, soccer,Prince William addresses the delegates


He said: “In London, we were fortunate recently to experience the amazingly positive impact that elite sport can have.

“London 2012 was an Olympics with legacy at its heart – it set out to inspire a generation through the excellence of its competition. I am delighted to see that UEFA are determined along the same path.

“The investment by you in community facilities here in London, and the creation of a fans’ zone within the Olympic Park that will bring the excitement of the final to the wider public, demonstrate a commitment to deliver a lasting legacy for London from this weekend’s event.”


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