Prince and Princess Michael of Kent's joy at their first grandchild

PRINCE and Princess Michael of Kent have become grandparents for the first time.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

Lord and Lady Frederick celebrate their new arrival Lord and Lady Frederick celebrate their new arrival

The new royal baby, Maud Elizabeth Daphne Marina, was born on Thursday in Los Angeles, where her parents, Lord and Lady Frederick Windsor, live.

Prince and Princess Michael are said to be “thrilled” and are to fly out to LA next week.

A spokesman said: “Lady Frederick Windsor was yesterday safely delivered of a baby girl. The weight of the baby was 7lb. Lord Frederick Windsor was present at the birth.

Maud Elizabeth Daphne Marina, Prince and Princess Michael, Kent, royal baby,  Lady Frederick, QueenThrilled: Prince and Princess Michael


The Queen, who is Prince Michael’s cousin, has been informed.

Lord Frederick, 34, married Peep Show actress Sophie Winkleman, 33, in September 2009 at Hampton Court.


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