Prince William: Fatherhood makes me much more emotional

A TEARFUL Prince William has told how becoming a father has heightened his protective instincts and desire to stand up for the vulnerable.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

Prince William with wife the Duchess of Cambridge and their child Prince George Prince William with wife the Duchess of Cambridge and their child Prince George

In an emotional interview for a forthcoming documentary about wildlife conservation in Africa, the Duke of Cambridge said the birth of his first child, Prince George, in July had changed everything.

The second in line to the throne, who will be joined by the Duchess of Cambridge at the Tusk Conservation Awards in London on Thursday to promote work in Africa, was reduced to tears after watching pictures of a butchered rhino bleeding to death and confessed that George's birth had altered the way he viewed the world.

Proramme maker Jane Treays, writing for the Radio Times, described how tears welled up in his eyes as he watched the clip and discussed the evils of poaching during their interview at Kensington Palace on August 2.

"The last few weeks for me have been a very different emotional experience - something I never thought I would feel for myself," he told her for the documentary, Prince William’s Passion: New Father, New Hope, which will be screened on ITV and CNN from 6pm on Sunday.

"I find, even though it's only been a short period, that a lot of things affect me now - when I see a clip like that there's so much emotion and so much feeling wrapped up into conservation and environment, It's just so powerful."

prince william, kate middleton, duchess of cambridgePrince William has fun with Harry and a rock python in Botswana


William, 31, said fatherhood had also reinforced his emotional connection to Africa. "The wildlife is incredibly vulnerable and I feel a real protective instinct, more so now that I am a father, which is why I get emotional about it… you want to stand up for what is very vulnerable and needs protecting. Elephants, rhinos and many other animals that are persecuted don’t have a voice."

The future King, who first went to Africa as a teenager, often thinks of it when he is daydreaming. "I do regularly daydream, and Africa is definitely one of the places I go to. I’ve got hundreds of animals on my iPhone, noises and sounds of the bush, so if I’m having a stressful day, I’ll put a buffalo, a cricket or a newt on and it takes you back instantly to the bush. And it does completely settle me down," he said.

"Africa emotionally and mentally has affected me. It’s magical. Every time I go back it brings out new things. This is a lifelong commitment and I’ll always be involved… no matter what."

He has set his heart on making a difference to help stamp out poaching.

Looking at the rhino clip, he told Ms Treays: "You’d think something that big and that’s been around so long, would have worked out a way to avoid being caught and persecuted, but they really don’t.

"I do feel anger, but I also feel really great hope that we will overcome this as a human race. The more we raise the issue and the more education there is… I wouldn’t be here right now if I didn’t think there was a chance it could be successful. Poaching is now probably the worst I’ve ever known it, but I am not the kind of guy to give up."

Rhinos face the possibility of extinction by the end of the century, according to some experts. The elephant population has fallen by 65 per cent to under 450,000 in the last 30 years. Cheetah numbers have dropped below 12,000 and there said to be fewer than 20,000 lions in the wild.

 Prince William and his wife the Duchess of Cambridge

Poachers are getting increasingly more sophisticated, using satellite tracking, helicopters and AK47 rifles to butcher up to 100 elephants at a time.

"It’s horrifying... It’s hard to put into words, the depth of sadness that I would feel if they became extinct," William said. "The way they are doing things is getting more and more sophisticated. As soon as you find a way of dealing with it, they find another. Education is such a huge, important issue, to educate everyone involved in the illegal markets about the damage that can be done and the implications of what they are doing."

But he also recognises that conservationists must also find solutions supported by impoverished villagers whose crops can be destroyed by a rampaging elephant.

"We have to remember how desperately poor these guys are… this is all they have known, living in these communities with their cattle and goats, and they will protect them to their last breath. Their water and grazing is in very short supply. Conservation has to have these communities’ blessing."

Asked what his favourite animal was, he replied: "Ha, that’s a hard one! I have to say I do love cheetahs, they are the most docile, awesome creatures. They can be lying perfectly quietly, and then… an absolute killing machine. It’s the elegance of them, they way they look at you… they would come quite high on my list."

He recalled first going to Africa as a teenager and placing his hand on an elephant as it lay, darted, awaiting relocation.

"It’s just the most incredible sight, to get on the ground and see it and feel its chest going up and down as it’s breathing and you’re sort of looking after it. It was incredible," he said.

He returned later to spend part of his gap year camping out in the bush.

"I’d usually be worried about something coming into my sleeping bag! I’m not so good with spiders and snakes, but the bigger stuff I don’t mind. And the smells and the noises get every one of your senses going. Being out in the middle of nowhere, I loved it, I really did… stars 360 degrees around you, sleeping on the ground, and getting back to where we all come from… it’s quite moving."

 Read the full interview in the Radio Times


In 2010 he was back there again on a tour of the continent with his brother Prince Harry and then again on holiday with Kate, when he proposed to his future wife on the slopes of Mount Kenya.  

He and Harry both share a love of Africa. "For me, it’s a sense of freedom. Being out in the middle of nowhere in Africa, looking at the projects, seeing the beauty of nature and the natural world, is just phenomenal. I love the fact you can go into any village in Kenya or the east coast of Africa and just walk in and have a chat with someone and they have absolutely no idea who you are. Usually my Swahili stops after about two sentences but we muddle through in English!" 

It is an emotional family connection with the continent that has been in his family for generations. 

His grandmother was in Kenya in February 1952 when she received the devastating news that her father, George VI, had died and she was now Queen. William's grandfather, Prince Philip, was the first President of the World Wildlife Fund UK and passed the mantle to his father, Prince Charles, who has done much to promote conservation on the continent.

And his mother, Princess Diana, championed the cause of HIV orphans and campaigned against land mines there.

"The legacy is quite a daunting one, following on from my grandfather and father. It just sort of happened," William said. "My mother would come back with all these stories, full of excitement and passion for what she had been doing and I used to sit there, quite a surprised little boy, taking it all in – and the infectious enthusiasm and energy she had rubbed off on me."

He hopes to pass the legacy on to George, whose nursery at Kensington Palace will be decorated with an Africa bush theme in mind.  "At the moment, the only legacy I want to pass on to him is to sleep more and maybe not to have to change his nappy quite so many times, but as he gets older I’m sure he’ll pick up the bug of conservation," he said.

• Read the full interview in this week’s Radio Times, on sale Tuesday 10 September 2013

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