Prince Harry spends the night in a FREEZER to prepare for South Pole trip

FOR those already feeling the autumn chill, spare a thought for Prince Harry, helping to carry a sledge into a giant fridge.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent, Kelby McNally

Prince Harry spent the night in a freezer preparing for the trek PA Prince Harry spent the night in a freezer preparing for the trek (PA)

He may be the coolest royal but he could probably think of easier ways to chill out than being in -31F (-35C) temperatures.

Yesterday, a day after his 29th birthday, the fourth in line to the throne spent an entire day and night in a cold chamber in Nuneaton, Warwickshire, training for an arduous 208-mile race to the South Pole.

Harry, who will race with a team of injured British servicemen and women against United States and Commonwealth groups,  joked that it was a cold night's sleep and when asked what was the worst part, he said: "Going in."

He spent around 20 hours in the cold chamber at Mira in Nuneaton, Warwickshire, where winds reach up to 45mph.

The Prince took on the challenge alongside four teammates - all of whom have amputated limbs after sustaining injuries in Afghanistan.

prince harry, fridge, south pole, visit, cold, WALKING WITH THE WOUNDED The Prince was subjected to temperatures that dropped to -31F [ITV]

prince harry, fridge, south pole, visit, cold, WALKING WITH THE WOUNDED Prince Harry leaves his tent during a cold chamber training exercise (PA)

Harry practised with the clothing he will wear on the 200-mile expedition and learned how to avoid frost-nip and frost-bite in the inhospitable climate in Antarctica.

After emerging from the huge testing facility, in which temperatures dropped to as low as minus 55C with wind-chill, the prince blew into his hands and rubbed them together to warm up as he chatted with his teammates over tea and biscuits.

Captain Wales of the Army Air Corps is patron of the Walking With The Wounded South Pole Allied Challenge.

He will be among teams of wounded service personnel from Britain, the US and the Commonwealth racing in November.

prince harry, fridge, south pole, visit, cold, WALKING WITH THE WOUNDED Harry is taking part in the trek with a team of four [ITV]

prince harry, fridge, south pole, visit, cold, WALKING WITH THE WOUNDED The group managed to break away for ten minutes for tea and biscuits [ITV]

Walking With The Wounded have spent over 12 months planning, recruiting, organising and training for this journey. In the run up to the expedition, members of the team have followed personal training schedules and field training on glaciers in Iceland.

On 16th November the team will fly to Cape Town, South Africa before flying to Novo, Antarctica, where they will spend a few days checking kit and acclimatising before being flown to 87 degrees to begin the race.

Prince Harry, arcticPrince Harry has spent 12 months preparing for his journey (PA)

Prince Harry, thermal, arcticPrince Harry was wrapped up in a thermal jacket for the night (PA)

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