Princess Charming! Kate brings early Christmas cheer to gravely sick children

THE Duchess of Cambridge brought early Christmas cheer and comfort to gravely sick children and their parents at a hospice yesterday.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

Kate Duchess of Cambridge cheered up young children at the hospice Kate, Duchess of Cambridge cheered up young children at the hospice [GETTY]

Kate, wearing a grey Reiss jacket, blue trousers and wedge boots arrived at the Shooting Star House Children's Hospice in Hampton, Middlesex.

She landed her Prince long ago but Kate, 31, found herself resorting to a frog - a puppet - to charm some of the children.

Even then, some were not so impressed.

When one little girl, Demi-Leigh Armstrong, 5, from Ashford, Middlesex, complained that her friend was short of a musical instrument during a sing-song, Kate offered her a rattle.

Kate, Duchess CambridgeDuchess of Cambridge chatted in length to volunteers and parents [GETTY]

"Do you want to give him this one?" she asked Demi-Leigh, who replied emphatically: "No," before turning her back on the Duchess.

By the end of the visit, however, Kate had won around the little girl, who is recovering from a kidney transplant operation after contracting a rare condition, HUS, that attacked her vital organs.

Demi-Leigh, helped give her a posy of roses and the Duchess wished her happy Christmas. "But it's not Christmas yet," said Demi-Leigh.

"Bye then," said Kate.

"Oh give me a hug first," said the little girl, grabbing her leg, and the pair exchanged a thumbs up.

 uchess of Cambridge is hugged by Demi-Leigh Armstrong, aged 5 [GETTY]

 Duchess of Cambridge sings along to children's tunes at the hospice [GETTY]

Demi-Leigh, who received her transplant a year and a half ago after her mother Jayne Figgins, 33, donated a kidney will need a further transplant at some point.

"You've just got to get on with it. You know the kidney will fail because it will one day. Next time she'll probably have to wait for a donor," said Jayne.

The little girl joined seven other children with life threatening or life shortening illnesses singing Jingle Bells and then, accompanied by Kate, Old McDonald's Farm and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.

Kate, who is royal patron of East Anglia's Children's Hospices, spent an hour and 20 minutes touring the hospice, which has beds for 10 children and daycare facilities for more at any one time.

In a private room she comforted the parents of a one-year-old girl who died on Tuesday. The parents lost their five-year-old son from the same condition, spinal muscular atrophy, six weeks ago.

 Kate wore a grey Reiss jacket with blue trousers and wedges [GETTY]

 The Duchess of Cambridge talked to a number of the children at the hospice [Shooting Star Chase Hospice FACEBOOK]

Kate spent most of her time asking parents about their children and their experience of Shooting Star Chase, which runs the hospice and one in Guildford, Surrey. But she did reveal that her baby son, Prince George, had just been introduced to messy play.

Mum Louise Wilks from Harefield, west London, said: "She was so sweet, absolutely lovely and she really puts you at ease because obviously you are a little tense to meet someone so important. She was down to earth but had a real aura about her.

"She asked me about my boys and how we use Shooting Star Chase and I told her how they like messy play. She said she has just introduced George to messy play and what fun it was."

The Duchess also chatted at length to Nicola Dasilva, 25, from Merton, south London, whose 21-month-old son Frankie was so poorly he was given a week to live when he first arrived at the hospice last year. "He's still here. He's a fighter," said Nicola.

Frankie, who is blind, fed from a tube, and dependent on oxygen due to a rare bone condition, infantile osteoporosis, is still not expected to live beyond the age of three but his mother told Kate she had found his two-month respite care at the hospice a great help.

 Kate spoke to young Demi-Leigh for a while at the hospice [Shooting Stars Chase Hospital FACEBOOK]

Duchess of Cambridge, Kate, MiddletonDuchess of Cambridge with the frog puppet [PA]

"I've got a three-year-old girl as well," she told Kate, who replied: "Gosh, you've got your hands full."

During her tour, the Duchess also tried her hand at art, drawing a dog with floppy ears in a therapy session for children.

The Duchess also met volunteers who help out at the hospice. She plans to launch a new initiative to encourage more people to volunteer in hospices.

A Kensington Palace spokesman said: "The Royal Foundation of The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry is currently developing a pilot for a volunteering programme to support families of children with life-limiting conditions.

"A key component of today's visit is for The Duchess to meet a group of Shooting Stars volunteers, to better understand how they support the hospice and its families."

 Kate wore a grey Reiss jacket for the day out [GETTY]

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