Prince William makes impassioned plea to save endangered species from poachers

PRINCE William made an impassioned plea tonight for the world to unite to stop the trade in illegal wildlife products threatening elephants, rhinos and tigers with extinction.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

Prince William made a passionate plea to end the illegal wildlife trade Prince William made a passionate plea to end the illegal wildlife trade [PA]

At an unprecedented gathering of world leaders and conservationists gathered in London ahead of a landmark conference to discuss the crisis tomorrow, the Duke of Cambridge called for a global alliance to introduce a coordinated international effort to wipe out trafficking of ivory, rhino horn, and other animal products.

In a speech  - the biggest and most important of his life so far - to more than 400 delegates at a reception in the Natural History Museum in London, the second in line to the throne warned that illegal wildlife trafficking was a huge international crime racket helping to fund terrorism.

"Tonight we are here with a single, shared purpose – to use our collective influence to put a stop to the illegal killing and trafficking of some of our world's most iconic and endangered species," he said.   
"Never before has a group like this come together – in these numbers – to stop the illegal trade in wildlife.  All of us in this room have a duty to make sure that tomorrow, February 13, is a date that marks the beginning of the end of this despicable trade." 

 Prince William meeting Hollywood star Jackie Chan at the Natural History Museum [PA]


William, who has devoted much of his "transitional year" after quitting the RAF to campaigning on the issue, will attend the conference with his father Prince Charles at Lancaster House in London on Thursday.

He paid tribute to his father and grandfather Prince Philip's long efforts to champion the cause of conservation over decades.

"We are, as a family, so honoured to be part of this movement. We will stay the course with you until you succeed," he said.

His office declined to discuss the Royal Family's history of shooting the same animals in earlier decades when it was legal. In 1961, for example, Philip shot a tiger and posed for a picture afterwards with the Queen during an official visit to India.

His grandson William, who met Hollywood film star and wildlife campaigner Jackie Chan at the reception, told the delegates: "The illegal wildlife trade is now the fourth most lucrative transnational crime after drugs, arms and human trafficking. 

"It is estimated to be worth between 10 and 20 billion dollars each year.  Some might imagine it is a crime without human victim, but over 1,000 rangers have been killed in the past 10 years. 

"Every week, another two rangers are murdered by poachers. There is also evidence that poachers' activities are funding international terrorism." 

 The Duke of Cambridge talks with CEO of Tusk Trust Charlie Mayhew [PA]

William is president of United for Wildlife, a union of seven conservation groups working in the field to combat poaching. It is backed financially by the Royal Foundation, the charitable trust he runs with his wife Kate, and brother Prince Harry.

He set out five strategies to rid the world of the illegal trade: using new technology including trackers and drones to  catch poachers; educating people, particularly in the Far East, to reduce the demand for ivory and animal products used in traditional medicine; tougher penalties for poachers; a zero tolerance approach to trafficking among shipping companies and others; and efforts to make conservation for lucrative than poaching for poor people living near the animals in Africa and Asia.

"Tonight is an unprecedented gathering. The fact that we are all here gives me faith that we can turn the tide against the illegal wildlife trade," he said. "Let's turn tonight's goodwill into action, and, please, let's be part of the movement that can tell our children and grandchildren that we saved these extraordinary species for them."

The world's elephant population is estimated to have dropped from 1.3 millon in 1979 to 400,000 now. A world rhino population of 500,000 at the start of the 20th century has fallen to 29,000, and there are fewer than 3,500 tigers, reduced from 100,000 80 years ago.

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