Prince William and Kate hire a Spanish nanny with 20 years experience for Prince George

THE Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have found a new Spanish nanny for Prince George.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

Prince William and Kate have hired a new Spanish nanny for Prince George Prince William and Kate have hired a new Spanish nanny for Prince George [PA]

She is in her late thirties, has worked in Britain for the past couple of decades for other wealthy families, and is married to the job, according to sources in her home country.

William and Kate have taken her on to replace 71-year-old Jessie Webb, William’s nanny when he was a little boy, who was brought out of retirement to help the couple temporarily, shortly after George was born in July last year.

Kate, 32, initially said she did not need a full-time nanny but the couple have bowed to the inevitable and taken on the new help ahead of what promises to be a gruelling three-week tour of New Zealand and Australia next month, when their seven-month-old son is due to accompany them on his first official visit.

She is not in charge of the third in line to the throne this week, however.

 Prince George is due to accompany his parents to New Zealand and Australia next month [PA]


Kate’s parents, Mike and Carole Middleton are looking after the infant Prince while his parents enjoy a romantic, exotic week-long holiday, a second honeymoon, at a five star hotel, the Cheval Blanc Randheli resort on Noonu Atoll in the Maldives in the Indian Ocean.

Palace officials have declined to discuss the identity of the new nanny, who was spotted walking Prince George in his pram in Hyde Park last week alongside a police bodyguard but the name of the woman who will play a key role in the upbringing of the future King is expected to emerge soon.

A friend said William and Kate had recruited her after hearing about her from other high-profile families.

The friend added: "She is not married and doesn't have a boyfriend, as her life is totally dedicated to the family she is working with. She is known for being totally professional – married to the job."


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