Duchess of Cambridge dazzles in bespoke New Zealand-designed silver fern gown

SHE has not worn a New Zealand-designed outfit yet but the Duchess of Cambridge paid tribute to her hosts tonight in a dazzling dress.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

royals, royal. prince william, william, will, kate , kate middleton, prince george, george, duchess of cambridge, duke and duchess of cambridge, tour,The Duchess of Cambridge looked sophisticated in a dark gown with a silver fern design[GETTY]

At a lavish State Reception in Wellington, she wore an evening dress embroidered with silver ferns, the national emblem..

It was a bespoke black Jenny Packham  dress which had been hand-stitched with silver beading to represent the fern.

The Queen has long employed the trick of incorporating an item of national importance in her outfits when on foreign tours - and it seems Kate has taken a leaf out of her book.

She and Prince William were guests of honour at the reception hosted by Governor General Sir Jerry Mateparae, the Queen’s representative in New Zealand, at his official residence, Government House.

There will be no ball gows or tiaras on this tour but the reception is one of the glitziest engagements of their three-week tour of New Zealand and Australia.

On their arrival back in Wellington following a day out in Blenheim, William had a few minutes to freshen up before almost immediately going into calls in the Liverpool Room with the leader of the opposition, David Cunliffe and the Prime Minister John Key.

Each meeting lasted around 20 minutes before William retired to the State Apartments to join his wife, who was dressing for the evening.

At 6.45pm the couple came down a grand wooden staircase together to be greeted by the Governor General, his wife, Lady Janine, and Mr Key and his wife Bronagh.

In a lengthy receiving line, they shook the hands of each of their 198 guests, who included senior politicians, MPS and notable figures from public life.

royals, royal. prince william, william, will, kate , kate middleton, prince george, george, duchess of cambridge, duke and duchess of cambridge, tour,The Royal couple stands next to a recently unveiled portrait of the Queen [AP]

George is at his most vocal at 3am, as you may have noticed - I swear I heard him doing the haka this morning

Prince William

William and Kate were then ushered into the Blundell Room - where their son George, who was sleeping upstairs under the watchful eye of his nanny, had played on the carpet just a day earlier - for official photographs.

Finally it was time to join their guests for a glass of local wine and some canapés showing off the best of local produce in the Ballroom, heralded by a flourish of trumpets from the six-strong Lance of Trumpeters.

On the menu was parmesan and horopito shortbreads with Zany Zeus Feta and heirloom tomato, smoked and potted Lake Taupo trout with oatcakes and capers, oysters on ice with shallot and Chardonnay vinaigrette, braised Cardorona Merino lamb tarts with fresh mint, tomato and black olive. There were also cocktail Paua fritters with garlic mayonaisse and pickled ginger, dressed Waikanae crab toasts with lime and herbs, Windsor Blue and beetroot risotto balls with green herb mayonaise, South Island rabbit pies and custard tarts with kiwifruit and kaffir lime.

As the guests mingled, chatted and sipped on chilled local wine, the Royal New Zealand Air Force jazz quintent played a selection of lively tunes including Nina Simmone's My Baby Just Cares For Me.

William later addressed the gathering with a short speech before unveiling a portrait of his grandmother by a New Zealand artist.

In September 2012 the New Zealand Portrait Gallery commissioned a portrait of the Queen for their permanent collection to commemorate the Diamond Jubilee.

 The Duchess laughs with artist Nick Cuthell, left, and Prime Minister John Key [AP]

 Kate was wearing a New Zealand-designed dress [AP]

A group of young people pledged funds to finance the portrait and picked a young artist,  Nick Cuthell.

Cuthell had a sitting with The Queen in the UK in October 2013.

In 2009 in London, he was commissioned to paint the director and cast of the Theatre Royal's production of Waiting for Godot and more recently he was commissioned to paint the official portrait of Dr Alan Bollard, the departing Governor of the Reserve Bank of New Zealand. 

The NZ Portrait Gallery holds in trust for the nation a collection of portraits, which reflect the history, development, events and personalities of the country. 

In a speech, the Governor General welcomed the royal couple formally to New Zealand but joked: "The prestige goes to Prince George.

"There has been a hubbub of delight from New Zealanders," he added.

William unveiled the new portrait of his grandmother and then had guests laughing with a speech, beginning by speaking Maori and joking afterwards: "No mistakes just yet!"

He said: "Rau rangatira m? o Aotearoa, T?n? koutou katoa."

Translated this meant: "Distinguished people of New Zealand, greetings to you all."

He continued:  "Thank you also for hosting Catherine, George and me during our time in New Zealand. I hope that George doesn’t keep you up. He's at his most vocal at 3am, as you may have noticed - I swear I heard him doing the haka this morning. He's a bonny lad and you'll be pleased to know that he's currently preparing for life as a prop forward!

 Kate's dress was embroidered with the national emblem of New Zealand, the fern [AP]

He added: "I cannot tell you how happy I am to be back here in God’s Own Country – as I have learned to call it – and this time with my wife and son.  

"When I returned to New Zealand for the first time as an adult in 2005, I came mainly to watch the All Blacks against the British and Irish Lions – the best way to be introduced to this sports-passionate nation.  

"On subsequent visits, my affection and admiration for New Zealand has only deepened."

He told his audience: "On this visit, I have no doubt that it will be Catherine – and not just me – who falls for New Zealand.  

"The qualities that New Zealanders share in common with one another – warm-heartedness, generosity, neighbourliness, openness, an instinctive sense of justice and freedom, to name just a few – are qualities that I suspect – given your modesty – you may take for granted.  But they are qualities for which New Zealanders are admired the world over."

Turning to his grandmothers portrait he said: "Her Majesty is portrayed wearing her silver fern brooch, which provides a simple but clear reminder of Her Majesty’s deep affection for the people of New Zealand.

"Kia ora t?tou katoa (Greetings to us all)."

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