Ayers Rock to hip hop: William and Kate given DJing lesson in Australian suburb

PRINCE William and Kate became the Duke and Duchess of the Decks today when they took a lesson in scratching records at a hip hop school.

By From Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent, in Adelaide

 Can one kick it? Kate and William tried their hands at spinning some tunes [AP]

The royal couple got down with the kids during a visit to a youth project in the Adelaide suburb of Elizabeth, where 15,000 cheering fans turned out to greet them in the sunshine.

Neither seemed keen to try out DJing on the turntables initially, insisting it was a job for the other. "It's all yours," William, 31, told his wife, gesturing her to come forward.

Kate, laughing, demurred. "William's got lots more experience than I have," she said. But the 32-year-old Duchess quickly agreed to have a go first.

Coached by DJ Shane Peterer, 28, she started off hesitantly but soon got the hang of it, laughing and giving a thumbs up as her audience cheered and applauded.

William then stepped up to have a go at scratching - moving the record backwards and forwards to create a swishing sound to the beat of a track called Gourmet created by Mr Peterer's fellow tutor.

He managed to do it but not quite as stylishly as his wife, prompting Mr Peterer to suggest he shouldn't give up the day job just yet. "She was fantastic but he can fly a helicopter. So horses for courses," the DJ said.

The royal couple went to the hip hop lesson at a community music centre called Northern Sound System on a mission to see a different side of Australian life in Adelaide.

They  went to the garden city of Elizabeth, built in an era of optimism in the 1950s and named after the Queen, to meet young people and promote efforts to regenerate the area.

 Kate was "fantastic" - but her husband needed more practice, according to their teacher [AP]

 The couple also unveiled a plaque for the planned Prince George Plaza, named after their son [EPA]

Just over 51 years after the monarch visited the suburb, her grandson and his wife went to help revive the district. They unveiled a plaque for a planned new office development named Prince George Plaza - the first time anything has been named after the future King, according to aides.

It will be the focal point of a blueprint to make Elizabeth the second biggest business centre in the state after the centre of Adelaide.

Elizabeth is one of a number of once-thriving blue collar suburbs which have seen the industrial jobs that attracted their original settlers disappear, leaving 41 per cent youth unemployment and a reputation for crime and violence

Many of the original settlers were Ten Pound Poms who came to Adelaide from Britain at the invitation of the South Australian state government on assisted passage on the ships and the promise of "sunshine and oranges".

But the jobs they came for are disappearing. The General Motors Holdens car factory, once the area's biggest employer, is due to close by 2017 with the loss of 1,700 jobs.

State and local officials lobbied hard for William and Kate to come to Elizabeth and shine a light on the regeneration efforts.

"It means so much," said Glenn Docherty, Mayor of Playford, an amalgamation of northern Adelaide suburbs including in Elizabeth. "It's a great opportunity for us to showcase the talents of our young people."

Inside the Northern Sound System centre, William and Kate met young rap artists, dancers, and other musicians.

William talked to Mark Reilly, a 19-year-old wheelchair-bound rapper who told him about his love of hip hop. He asked the second in line to the throne what type of music he liked. "I quite like house music. I like my house music. I like a bit of rock and roll, a bit of R&B," William said."I'm not a big heavy metal fan. I'd like to be but I'm not," he added.

 Kate chatted to a young girl outside the local civic centre [AP]

 The couple were presented with a skateboard with their son's name written in graffiti [AP]

They were really awesome. They stayed and chatted to us for a bit. It was quite a lot of fun

Daniel Niutta

The couple also watched rapper Stephanie Michels, 17, performing before their hip hop lesson.

They then went inside a room to talk for about 15 minutes to a group of half a dozen young people aged 14 to 20 about some of the issues they face growing up in the neighbourhood.

"They were really awesome. They stayed and chatted to us for a bit. It was quite a lot of fun," said Daniel Niutta, 20, who has suffered problems with depression and bullying.

In another room, the couple were treated to a performance by some of the young musicians and dancers who have honed their talents at the centre.

Singer Tkay Maidza, 18, who has just won a recording contract and is tipped for stardom, belted out an African electro tune. An indigenous group performed a traditional dance, a choral group sang and a group of break dancers called Remedy entertained the Duke and Duchess.

There was no sign of the couple showing any desire to dance but Kate mischievously suggested that her husband secretly wanted to get on the floor.

Dancer Angie Kaoschk, 26, said she asked Kate: "Do you reckon I'll be able get him to dance?" and revealed that the Duchess replied: "Secretly, he'd love to try."

Amid much laughter, William intervened. "He said: 'It would take a few drinks to do that.'

But she added: "He promised he'll do some popping next time."

William, wearing a navy suit and Kate, in a pale pink low cut Alexander McQueen dress, then went outside to meet fans who had gathered in the sun to meet the royals.

 The pair then split up for a royal walkabout to meet their fans [AP]

 "We want Kate!" The fans on William's side were apparently feeling short-changed [AP]

The couple went over to a group called Aerosol Angels, which encourages young people to express themselves by creating graffiti art at the centre in a controlled way rather than by defacing public buildings.

Artist Casey Zechef, 16, painted a green skateboard given to William and Kate as a present for Prince George. It has George written on the underside and on each side there are boxing kangaroos and Australian flags. 

"They loved it. They loved the kangaroos on each side. They thought it was amazing," said Casey.

In the bright sunshine, the couple also visited the local council's Playford Civic Centre, where they went on a walkabout.

Kate went down one side of the street and William the other. "We want Kate, we want Kate," the crowd who had said hello to William chanted.

The Duchess stopped to speak to one of Elizabeth's early British immigrants, Ann Hargreaves, 87, who was standing on the front row of the crowd behind a board saying: "I was born in London the same year as the Queen. 1926."

Mrs Hargreaves, an ardent royalist who has a photo of William and Kate at their wedding in her sitting room, told the Duchess how she brought seven daughters out to Adelaide and bore a son when she got here to populate her new home country.

"Do you like Australia?" Kate asked, adding: "It's much warmer here than England."

"I thought she was lovely," Mrs Hargreaves said afterwards.

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