The romance is over: Back to normal for Cressida Bonas, Prince Harry’s ex

OCCASIONALLY she gave a smile, but the dark rings under Cressida Bonas’s eyes bore testimony yesterday to the strain that has ended her romance with Prince Harry.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

prince harry, cressida bonas, royal, split, break up, reality, kate middleton, prince williamHappier times as Harry and Cressida watch the rugby in March[GETTY]

The 25-year-old dance graduate cut a solemn figure as she made her way through London’s West End, a day after it emerged she and Harry had split.

Friends said the couple broke up at the weekend amid heightened tension caused by Cressida’s inability to cope with life in the spotlight and her worries about putting her showbusiness career on hold.

Some people close to the pair think they will eventually get back together, just as Prince William and his now wife Kate did after breaking up briefly in 2007.

But for now Harry’s relationship is over. “It looks like they had a bit of a bust-up,” said one friend.

“She was fine on Saturday and then a bit down on Sunday.

“I don’t know if they will get back together, but if it is going to end then it is better that it ends now rather than after a marriage.

“There is nobody else involved and they hope to remain friends.

“He is a nice chap and she is great.

"He will miss her and I think she will miss him.”

But Cressida, who started dating the Prince in May 2012, has never looked comfortable with media attention, a prerequisite for life inside the Royal Family.

Sources close to Cressida told yesterday how increased attention from the public was causing her even more stress.

“It is impossible to run a romance when you are in the glare of publicity,” said one.

“Every time you go out, there are people pointing camera phones at you.

“When every single person is a potential paparazzi, then life becomes completely stressful.

“She can’t go out of the front door to the shops without it happening and she is fed up.”

He will miss her and I think she will miss him

A friend

Friends worried that Cressida, currently a PA at a marketing company, had been forced to put hopes of a stage career on hold amid fears she could be accused of cashing in on her royal connections.

One said: “How would she know if she got a part because of how good she was or whom she was dating?”

Harry is keen to find someone to settle down with him and who is happy to take on all the baggage that goes with royalty.

For the moment he faces the prospect of starting all over again as his 30th birthday approaches in September.

He told friends he hopes Cressida will be able to focus on resurrecting her showbusiness career, but the public interest in her may make it difficult to return as quickly as she would like to a life of obscurity.

Cressida had been due to accompany Harry to the wedding of his friend Guy Pelly to heiress Elizabeth Wilson in Memphis on Saturday.

The ceremony will be held at a polo club near Elvis Presley’s old home, Graceland.

“She is not going now,” the friend added.

“There is no grave crisis and I am sure she will be OK.

“But I think Harry may have problems.

"Cressida has calmed him down a lot over the last two years.

“I can only guess what he will get up to now.

"Maybe he will let his hair down.”

That’s certainly what Harry’s American fans are hoping.

"The Harry Hunters, as they are known, are heading to Memphis in the hope of snaring him during a night out.

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