Kate moved by alcoholic mother's harrowing account of losing her children

THE Duchess of Cambridge was visibly moved today after hearing a recovering alcoholic describe how her three children were taken away from her because of her addiction.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

Kate MiddletonGETTY/PA

The Duchess of Cambridge was moved by the story of a recovering alcoholic

Kate met former music teacher Anna Elston, 43, who told how she was "entrenched in active alcoholism" and should be dead but overcame her problems and mercifully regained care of her three sons, including her premature baby Dylan - born at 25 weeks weighing only 1lbs 12oz - after a year.

The three boys, Jack, 13, Eddie, 9, and Dylan, now 8, were there with their mum to meet the Duchess when she visited the charity Action on Addiction's Centre for Addiction Treatment Studies in Warminster, Wiltshire, today.

Kate MiddletonGETTY

The Duchess visited the Action on Addiction charity's Centre for Addiction Treatment Studio

Duchess of Cambridge at Action on Addiction, Warminster, Wiltshire

Proud mum Mrs Elston, who graduated from a degree course training her to counsel others on addiction, watched as her children presented the Duchess with a posy at the end of her visit.

"I'm so happy and pleased that you got your children back," Kate said.

The 33-year-old Duchess, who is patron of Action on Addiction, met several recovering addicts and their families on a visit designed to shine the spotlight on the work the centre does to train addiction counsellors on courses accredited by Bath University.

It's such a positive story for all of you

Duchess of Cambridge

Around 60 per cent of people who take the courses are either recovering addicts or have suffered at the hands of close family relatives addicted to anything from drink to drugs, gambling, or even shopping.

Kate, who was wearing a £1,000 Emilia Wickstead dress and £325 coat from high street chain Reiss, told Derrick Anderson, programme director at the centre: "It must be so powerful for them talking to patients who have gone through similar things."

She was briefed about a national programme run by the charity which takes a whole family approach to tackling substance misuse. "I think the holistic approach, getting the whole family, is so important - it doesn't affect just one person," she said.

Action on Addiction estimates 1.5 million children in Britain have parents who are addicted to substances, gambling or other vices. The effects can last a lifetime.

At a short ceremony in a marquee, the Duchess congratulated some of the latest graduates among more than 200 who have completed the courses, urging them to throw their mortar boards in the air for a group photograph: "Let's do one with your hats," she said, smiling.

Mrs Elston, who has been sober for eight and a half years, told her story in a speech to Kate and other guests.

Kate MiddletonGETTY

The Duchess is patron of the Action on Addiction charity

"She looked touched," Elston said, adding, "I was mindful not to look at her too much - it was a speech for everyone."

She now works as co-ordinator for the Amy Winehouse Foundation's Resilience Programme in Bournemouth, Dorset, after overcoming her problems. "I should be dead if people weren't there for me," she said.

When she sat with foundation and degree graduates, Kate congratulated them: "It's such a positive story for all of you," she said.

Martha Bache, 30, who is in recovery from prescription pill addiction, said: "I recognised I had a problem and wanted to do this course. I was interested to learn and help people and support people whatever the problem."

Ms Bache, who works with hoarders some of whom might suffer with mental health issues such as OCD, said she recognised in Kate the same skills that they have been learning as counsellors.

The 30-year-old said: "She is so lovely and friendly. That is what we have to do as counsellors - we give people a voice and some tools. And the fact is she can talk to us in the same way.

"She's incredibly warm - she's a human being who inspires me. She shows empathy, the same empathy that I am aspiring to have."

Kate MiddletonGETTY

The Duchess was struck by the story of Anna Elston

Based in a former manor house since 2008, the Centre for Addiction Treatment Studies is attempting to raise the standards in the field of addiction treatment by training counsellors to a higher standard.

In the past the specialism has been criticised for its poorly trained workforce who are sometimes seen as ill-equipped to deal with the needs of addicts.

Kate has visited a number of Action on Addiction's services before but this was her first official trip to the centre to meet course tutors and examiners training the next generation of counsellors.

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