Sarah Ferguson admits she still watches video of her wedding to Prince Andrew

PRINCE Andrew’s ex-wife Sarah Ferguson has admitted she still likes watching their wedding video.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

The Royal family at Sarah Ferguson's weddingGETTY

Sarah Ferguson married Prince Andrew in 1986

The Duchess of York, told a radio station today she still lives with her former husband.

But she insisted they were no longer in a relationship, even though she likes watching their wedding video.

Fergie, 56, told radio host Kyle Sandilands: "Yes, I do keep a copy of the wedding video - I watched it not long ago.

"It was the greatest day of my life marrying the finest man."

The Duke and Duchess of York at their weddingGETTY

The Duchess of York has admitted that she still rewatches their wedding video

The Duchess, who is in Australia to talk to a management college and support her charities, still has a room at Andrew's home, Royal Lodge in Windsor Great Park.

He is the finest man in my life - he is a nugget of goodness

Sarah Ferguson

She insisted: "I'm in and out all the time and he's in and out all the time and no we're not married - we are very happy the way things are.

"He is the finest man in my life - he is a nugget of goodness," she added.

But pressed on what she meant by living together, the Duchess was quick to shut the DJ down.

The cheeky radio host asked: "Nothing going on there?" She replied: "Kyle! I mean, as if."

Sarah Ferguson QVC promoting $60 juicer she credits for helping her lose weight

The Duke and Duchess of YorkGETTY

The divorced couple have remained close, and still live together 24 years after their split

She and Andrew have often been hailed as an example of how divorced couples can bring up children happily and continue to be friends.

But Prince Philip cannot bear her and will not be in the same room as her if he can help it.

There has been speculation that she and Andrew might remarry after his death. Fergie, who first met her future husband at a fireworks party when she was 12, described her devotion to him since their 1986 wedding.

The Duke and Duchess of York and their childrenGETTY

The couple have two children, Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie

She said: "I threw myself into a love affair for life."

Three decades later she reckoned they were still a family.

She added: "I think we absolutely are the most extraordinary example of a unified family."

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