'I miss Diana every day' Tearjerking moment Prince William comforts boy who lost his mum

PRINCE William comforted a boy grieving his mother today and confessed he still missed Princess Diana every day.

By Richard Palmer Royal Correspondent, Royal Correspondent


Prince William comforted greiving boy his mother today and confessed he still missed Princess Diana

In an emotional moment during a visit to a hospice in Luton,  Bedfordshire, the Duke of Cambridge put his hand on 14-year-old Ben Hines’s shoulder and urged him to keep talk about his feelings with his family.

William’s brother Prince Harry has admitted he refused to discuss his grief for years but the second in line to the throne was adamant that sharing feelings would help.

“Time makes it easier,” he said, as Ben shared treasured memories of his mother Alexandra, who died last summer from cancer at the age of 40. “I miss her so much,” the boy said.

“I know how you feel. I still miss my mother every day – and it’s 20 years after she died,” said William, who is about to mark the 19th anniversary of Diana’s death in a Paris car crash on August 31, 1997.

"The important thing is to talk about it as a family. It’s OK to feel sad, it's OK for you to miss her."

William, 34, made Ben, who has mild autism, and his brothers Thomas, 20, and Richard, 24, and their father Gary, 48, promise that they would keep talking to each other.

"As four boys, you have to talk a lot better - we're not good sharers. It's a classic example of lots of talking needed,” he said.

“I promise, sir,” said Thomas.

During the visit to the Keech Hospice, the Duchess of Cambridge made her own emotional connection with the bereaved when she gave a hug to a six-year-old boy who lost his eldest brother two years ago. “I love cuddles,” she said.

I know how you feel. I still miss my mother every day – and it’s 20 years after she died

Prince William

It came after she and William were given “memory jars” – bottles full of coloured sand, which are used as a tool by the hospice pre-and post-bereavement to help patients and their families.

The jars were presented by Jamie Coniam, 10, and his brother Ethan, six, from Flitwick, Bedfordshire, whose brother Kieran died at the hospice aged 10 in October 2014. He had been born with cerebral palsy, epilepsy and autism, and suffered with health problems all his life.

The boys’ mother Fiona, 40, a palliative care nurse, said: “Ethan said, ‘Excuse me Kate, can I have hug?’ She said, ‘Yes of course – I love cuddles.’ Then she asked Jamie if he would like a hug as well.”

Jamie said: “My little brother asked for a hug, and I got one out of the blue.”


Kate Middleton talking to one of the people at the hospice

Earlier, William and Kate, who wore a favourite snorkel blue and white LK Bennett dress, praised the courage of girls who have recovered from mental health difficulties and self-harming during a visit to the Youthscape centre in Luton.

Ellis Jones,18, told them she began self-harming after her mother was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease but has recovered with help from Youthscape and is now doing a business administration apprenticeship. Kate, 34, said she was “so courageous” and “strong”.

William told Ellis: “What happened should never have happened to you and you should never have gone through it.

Duke and Duchess of CambridgeGETTY

Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are presented with a personal memory jar


William believed sharing his feelings with the people at the hospice would help

"The fact you have gone through it and got where you are now, you should be really, really proud.”

Chatting to teenagers cooking chocolate crispie cakes, Kate said: “When I try to do this with George at home, chocolate and the golden syrup goes everywhere. He makes so much mess. It's chaos.”

At the hospice later, she told another family that George liked playing with spaghetti. Touring a sensory play room which has shells, coloured spaghetti and other tactile toys for children, the Duchess said: “George likes his spaghetti as well. He loves to get messy.”

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