Battle royal over Wallis Simpson’s French knickers

TWO pairs of French knickers worn by the woman for whom Edward VIII gave up the throne are at the centre of a bizarre legal dispute set to go to court.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

Wallis Simpson and King Edward VIII at their homeGETTY

Royal battle over two pairs of French knickers worn by Wallis Simpson

The knickers and other intimate items of clothing that once belonged to American socialite Wallis Simpson are thought to be worth up to £5,000. 

They were lost about 10 years ago – but when they turned up in a garage, two families went to war over their fate. 

The silk French knickers, one pair in peach and the other in cream, are part of a treasure trove of items that for years were kept in a box and preserved in tissue paper. 

Also inside were two silk night dresses, a peach-coloured silk negligee, four pairs of gloves, a signed photo of Mrs Simpson, later the Duchess of Windsor, and a letter of authentication from Frenchwoman Pauline Armitage, who worked for the Duke and Duchess of Windsor as a maid in Paris in the 1950s.

She gave them to a friend, Lady Barbara Millichip – wife of one-time Football Association chairman Sir Bert Millichip – an ardent royalist who for years used them to raise funds at charity functions, charging people 10p a time for a look.

Wallis Simpson and Edward VIII at their homeGETTY

The knickers worn by American socialite Wallis Simpson are thought to be worth up to £5,000

Lady Barbara died last year aged 88 but now her daughter, Sally Simmonds, plans to take legal action against Raymond Gibbs, a pensioner who bought her mother’s house in Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, almost a decade ago.

For years she thought the box had been lost but then she discovered Mr Gibbs had found the items and shown them to a mutual friend. 

I just thought sod it, and put them out for the bin men

Sally Simmonds

But when Mrs Simmonds went to collect them, his daughter claimed they had been put out for the bin men. 

Mrs Simmonds, who lives in Tenbury Wells, Worcs, said: “I want to take legal action because of the way he has spoken to me and my mother’s family. I’m not convinced they have been thrown away.” 

Wallis Simpson at her homeGETTY

The silk French knickers are part of a treasure trove of items that were kept in a box

Mr Gibbs said: “I just thought sod it, and put them out for the bin men. 

"I can’t be bothered with all this about knickers.” 

The case is likely to rest on whether a judge believes the items were thrown out by Mr Gibbs and, if not, then whether they remained the legal possessions of Lady Barbara.

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