Queen sports painful-looking bloodshot eye as she welcomes Colombian president to Britain

THE Queen was suffering from a painful-looking bloodshot eye yesterday as she welcomed Colombia’s president Juan Manuel Santos on a state visit to Britain.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

Queen Elizabeth IIGETTY

The Queen appeared to be suffering from a painful-looking bloodshot eye

She appeared to have had a subconjuctival haemorrhage, caused by blood vessels rupturing within the white of the eye. 

It is a minor condition, often caused by stress or even a severe sneeze, that she has suffered on a number of other occasions over the years since 2006. 

The 90-year-old monarch was joined by Prince Philip, 95, and Prince Charles and Camilla.


The Queen appeared to have had a subconjuctival haemorrhage

Queen greets Colombian president

as Britain signalled its support for efforts to end half a century of civil war between the government and left-wing Farc rebels in Colombia that has killed 220,000 people. 

Prime Minister Theresa May was also at the welcoming ceremony for President Santos and his wife Maria Clemencia Rodriguez de Santos.

Queen and Colombian president Juan Manuel SantosGETTTY

State banquet held in honour of Colombia’s president Juan Manuel Santos

State BanquetGETTY

Nobel Peace Prize winner President Santos gave Philip a gift of a pen made from a bullet as a symbol

Nobel Peace Prize winner President Santos gave Philip a gift of a pen made from a bullet as a symbol of peace.

The Queen wore an apple green Angela Kelly coat and matching hat for the occasion.

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