‘I was very angry about it' Prince William opens up about Princess Diana’s death

PRINCE William comforted bereaved children today and confessed he was “very angry” and unable to talk about his feelings when his own mother died.

By Richard Palmer Royal Correspondent, Royal Correspondent

Duchess of Cambridge dazzles in royal blue dress

The Duke of Cambridge, who later this year will join his brother to mark the 20th anniversary of Princess Diana’s death in a 1997 Paris car crash, made a rare admission about his own  state of mind after the tragedy during a visit with his wife Kate to a charity that supports grieving children.

At the Child Bereavement UK Centre in Stratford, east London, he and Kate sat with families making memory jars in honour of loved ones who have died.

One mother, Lorna Ireland, 36, told how he had spoken of his fragile emotional state to her son, Shinobi Irons, 12, as they filled their individual jars with bands of coloured salt, representing memories of the boy’s late grandmother and godmother.

Prince William, Prince Charles and Princess DianaGETTY

Prince William opened up about the death of his mother, Princess Diana, confessing his 'anger'

Princess Diana with baby WilliamGETTY

Princess Diana passed away 20 years ago in car crash in Paris

“He told my son that when his mum died he was 15 at the time and he was very angry and found it very difficult to talk about it,” Lorna said. “It was very personal and it was very special."

He told my son that when his mum died he was 15 at the time and he was very angry and found it very difficult to talk about it,

Lorna Ireland

, 34, also comforted a little girl grieving for her father, telling her: "I lost my mummy when I was very young too."

He asked Aoife, nine: "Do you know what happened to me? You know I lost my mummy when I was very young too. I was 15 and my brother was 12. So we lost our mummy when we were young as well.

"Do you speak about your daddy? It's very important to talk about it, very, very important."

Duke and Duchess of CambridgeGETTY

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge visited a charity that supports grieving children

Aoife's mother, Marie, said afterward: "I couldn't believe it when he started to talk about his mother. It was very emotional and I was willing myself not to start to cry. I almost did.

"I am telling my children that if they take anything away from this day, it is what he said about how important it is to talk. Kids do not forget that. Sometimes it hurts but we can remember the happy things too. It is so important to talk."

William had been royal patron of Child Bereavement UK since 2009.

The centre in Stratford, which is marking its one year anniversary, provides support for children and families when a baby or child of any age dies or is dying, or when a child is facing personal loss.

Princess Diana with baby William GETTY

Later this year, William will join Harry on the anniversary of the Diana's death

The second in line to the throne has long supported the vital work undertaken by the charity, which helps bereaved families across the country and trains 8,000 professional a year who work with grieving families.

Child Bereavement UK was established in 1994 in the presence of , whose best friend, Julia Samuel, is Founder Patron of the organisation.

Mrs Samuel, who kissed the royal couple when they left, has remained close to William and is Prince George's godmother.  

William sat down with Aoife and her brother Keenan, 12. They lost their father John to pancreatic cancer six years ago tomorrow.

William knelt down to chat with the youngsters and told Aoife about his own personal experience at losing his mother, before turning to her mother, Marie, to discuss the importance of talking about the person they have lost.

Prince William at the Charity eventPA

The Prince admitted children may have a hard time coping with grief

William said: "I think that for children it is sometimes difficult to understand that."

He asked Marie: "Are there family or friends that can keep an eye on you too? That's important, too, you know.'

Marie, from Redbridge, said afterwards: "Pancreatic cancer is very aggressive and difficult to diagnose and John didn't fit the bill at all - he was young, healthy, ate well... We lost him very quickly after he was finally diagnosed. My children were almost six and three. My son wanted to talk about it but my daughter was finding it very hard and didn't want to. 

"It took my a long time to find Child Bereavement UK. We have been working with them since June, but what they have done for us as a family has been remarkable. 

"Aoife didn't want to sit down with a counsellor one on one but they work there with activities, enabling her to discuss her feelings in a more relaxed way."

Princess Diana's most iconic moments remembered

Prince William at the charityPA

William spent some time with young girl who lost her father to pancreatic cancer

Aoife said she told William that she had chosen bright colours - reds, yellow, pinks and greens - for her memory jar because her father liked bright colours and loved gardening.

She said of William: "It was really nice that he talked to me. It was like there are other people who know what it is like to lose someone."

, also spoke with several children and their families as they prepared the coloured salt to pour into their memory jars.

She asked one little girl: "What colours have you chosen? Does that make you remember something about your father? It's really lovely that you can talk about things with your friends at school."

Princess Diana and Charles with baby WilliamGETTY

Prince William was only 15 when he lost his mother

Speaking after the event, Julia Samuel, who has known William since he was born, praised the prince for his openness.

"William has great depth of understanding in a way that you never expect from such a public figure and yet he is also so friendly and funny,"she said.

"You can see when people meet him that their eyes widen a little when they recognise him but when he talks to them about what has happened to them and himself, then he very quickly becomes a human being. 

"I don't think any of us can even begin to understand what he and Harry went through. Their mother's death was such a public event and yet they were feeling such a depth of personal grief. 

William and Kate at the charity REUTERS

The young Royal was praised for his openness about his personal tragedy

"What they have both learnt and are so keen to get across, however, is that talking about your grief at the earliest possible stage is so important. The earlier we talk about these things, the less harm is done."

She added: "What William is bringing to our charity is just immeasurable. He has lived and breathed what these families are experiencing. He is really involved as a patron and believes in the service we can offer. 

"Grief is an invisible wound, people don't know what you are suffering, they don't offer you a chair to sit on because you look ill.

Princess Diana and baby Prince WilliamGETTY

Prince William's work is shedding light on the grief children who lost parents, go through

"But William knows and recognises this and I think people respond to this.

"Bereavement - particularly the death of a child - is unbearable to think about and he is something he's shining a light on and helping us raise awareness of the need of people who have children who die in the way that no one else can do.

"That's because people can see how authentic, and heartfelt, he is and he's experienced it. People can pick up authenticity within seconds."

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