Prince Charles and Camilla meet Italian President Mattarella on latest leg of Euro tour

PRINCE Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall began their last day of engagements in Italy today by meeting the country's president.

By Richard Palmer in Rome, Royal Correspondent

Italian Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni welcomes Prince Charles

The couple were driven in a convoy to the Quirinal Palace, the official residence of President Sergio Mattarella. 

A guard of honour, made up of soldiers from the Primo Rataglione Granatieri di Sardegna, played a fanfare as they stepped out of their car. 

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Prince Charles and Camilla met with Italian president Sergio Mattarella on their last day in Italy

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The couple were invited to sit down on an elegant sofa before the a tête-a-tête meeting

They entered the palace where the president was waiting to greet the couple and their entourage. 

Charles and Camilla were invited to sit down on an elegant sofa for an official photograph before they embarked on what was described as a tête-a-tête meeting lasting around half an hour. 

The Duchess was dressed in an elegant cream coat by her favourite designer, Anna Valentine, with fringing on the shoulders and cream shoes. 

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Later Charles met Italy's Prime Minister Paulo Gentiloni at his official residence

Later Charles met Italy's Prime Minister, Paulo Gentiloni at his official residence, the Palazzo Chigi, as part of a pre -Brexit charm offensive. 

Britain's Europe Minister Sir Alan Duncan joined the Prince to take part in both the meetings. 

His presence is being viewed as a sign of how important so-called royal 'soft power' is being viewed by the British Government as it embarks on its Brexit negotiations. 

The Prince and the Duchess leave for Austria today on the last leg of the tour.

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