Prince William starts last shift as air ambulance pilot

THE Duke of Cambridge started his last shift as an air ambulance pilot tonight after paying tribute to the team he has worked with for the past two years.

By Richard Palmer Royal Correspondent, Royal Correspondent

Prince William on his first day as an air ambulance pilot

, who will begin full-time royal duties based at Kensington Palace from September, praised the East Anglian Air Ambulance team for saving lives every day.

He arrived 10 minutes early for his 4.30pm night shift at Marshalls Airport in Cambridge for his final briefing as a pilot.

William, 35, joined the East Anglian Air Ambulance service in March 2015, after serving for nearly five years as a helicopter pilot with the RAF’s Search and Rescue Force.

Prince WilliamREUTERS

Prince William arrived 10 minutes early for his night shift

I have the utmost respect for the job that our emergency services carry out, without fuss, on a daily basis

Prince William

He began piloting his first operational missions alongside a team of specialist doctors and critical care paramedics in July that year.

He is the most senior member of the Royal Family – and the first future King – to become an ordinary PAYE employee, although he chose to donate his undisclosed salary to charity.

During his two years with the service, based out of Cambridge Airport, William has responded to “hundreds” of call-outs, attending everything from road accidents and heart attacks to suicide attempts, according to his employers.

In an open letter William said: “I have the utmost respect for the job that our emergency services carry out, without fuss, on a daily basis. As I hang up my flight suit, I am proud to have served with such an incredible team of people, who save lives across the region every day.”

The camaraderie in his team was in evidence last night as he posed for photographs with colleagues from both the day and night shifts.

Captain Dave Kelly, a former Lynx and Apache pilot who has worked as senior pilot for the past two years, was flying with him last night.

Prince WilliamGETTY

William joined the East Anglian Air Ambulance service in March 2015

He said: “Prince William has made a fantastic contribution to the team. It’s been an absolute pleasure to have him on board. He’s a really valuable member of the team.”

He added: “The big memory I have will be the very first day he arrived. He was meant to call in for just 10 minutes but he ended up staying for about four hours, which was a good sign.

Prince WilliamREUTERS

William has responded to 'hundreds' of call-outs

“And then his first day at work really. We weren’t at work long when we got a job – and we were straight on a life-saving mission.”

William’s final shift comes as the Duke of Edinburgh prepares to retire from Royal public engagements next week

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