Queen puts Royal Family on Twitter

THE Queen has set up a Palace Twitter account so that fans of the Royal Family can follow their activities on the microblogging social networking site.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

TWEETING You can follow the Royals online TWEETING: You can follow the Royals online

But unlike some foreign royals, for instance Queen Rania of Jordan, the 83-year-old monarch and her family will not be updating the site personally with their own tweets – messages no longer than 140 characters.

Buckingham Palace said the @BritishMonarchy account would be run as a news and information service with lists of official engagements and updates to royal websites.A spokeswoman said: “The Queen has been advised that it’s up and running.”

More than 450 people have signed up to the page at twitter.com/BritishMonarchy.

Other famous tweeters include US President Barack Obama.

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