Queen in swine flu scare

THE Queen has been told to stay away from the Royal Family’s favourite school – after 118 pupils fell ill with suspected swine flu.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

The Queen s trip was called off The Queen's trip was called off

She was due to open a new sports hall at Gordonstoun, where three generations of royalty – Princes Philip, Charles, Andrew and Edward, as well as Peter and Zara Phillips, were educated.

But next Tuesday’s event was postponed so that staff can concentrate on looking after sick pupils, four of whom have been confirmed as having swine flu.

A spokeswoman for the £26,000-a-year school in ­Morayshire, Scotland, explained that the main concern was not about the Queen catching the virus. She said: “Staff have to put the health of the pupils first.

“There was also concern that so many of the children would miss a very happy occasion.”

The school, which has 603 pupils, said none were seriously unwell.

A Gordonstoun pupil was treated for swine flu in Greece this summer after falling seriously ill while on holiday on Kefalonia.

Natasha Newman, from Highgate, north London was admitted to intensive care in Athens in July. She has since made a full recovery.

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