Royal author denies his book is a whitewash

BIOGRAPHER William Shawcross yesterday angrily denied trying to “whitewash” the Royal Family’s crisis over the death of Princess Diana in his new book about the life of the Queen Mother.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

William Shawcross lost his cool William Shawcross lost his cool

The Old Etonian author, who is a friend of Prince Charles’s wife Camilla, lost his cool during a radio interview when asked about the biggest crisis to face British royalty since the 1936 abdication.

He insisted that what the Queen Mother said and thought about Princess Diana’s death and other crises during the 1990s were well covered in a handful of pages in his book. An increasingly testy Mr Shawcross, 63, then rounded on Radio 4 Woman’s Hour host Jenni Murray for asking about the Queen Mother’s £4million overdraft, large number of staff, and secret operations for cancer.

“It’s so silly Jenni,” he said. “This is an incredibly important woman who epitomised this country through the whole of the Second World War.

“She held the country together after the abdication. And you go on about her staff. It’s pathetic actually. It doesn’t really matter. I’m really surprised at you.

“You’re the Queen Mother of broadcasting and all you can think about is her staff and her illnesses.”

Asked why he had devoted so little space to the Diana issue, he replied: “I don’t think it’s whitewashed at all. I think that Diana was a tragic story for everybody.

“And I think there’s actually quite a bit about it that wasn’t known before. I don’t think it’s a whitewash. Nor do I think that I’ve failed to cover it but readers will have to judge for themselves.”

Asked about the Queen Mother’s attitude to such crises, Mr Shawcross said: “She didn’t like to see things going wrong. And this is probably why she lived so long and so happily, that she was an optimist.

“She always saw the bright side of things. She always saw the glass half full, not half empty. If things were going wrong, ­particularly amongst members of the family in their marriages or whatever, she hated it.”

His book, Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother: The Official Biography, was panned by reviewer Anthony Howard, who said it was too tactful to get to the heart of its subject.

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