High-life tycoon get six year jail for £111m scam

A MILLIONAIRE who boasted how he taught Kate Middleton’s sister Pippa to toboggan down St Moritz’s Cresta Run was jailed for six years yesterday for money-laundering.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

Financier Trevor Baines Financier Trevor Baines

Financier Trevor Baines, whose business interests included the Miss World contest, swapped his £2.75million mansion for a jail cell after being convicted of a £111million Wall Street shares scam.

Baines, 65, and his wife Wendy Nicolau de Almeida Baines, 50, were both found guilty last month.

A five-week trial heard of their involvement in a complex scam to transfer “dirty money” obtained through fraud from a Swiss bank account to the Isle of Man.

There was an audible gasp in the public gallery when Baines was jailed after appearing for sentence at the Court of General Gaol Delivery in Douglas, Isle of Man.

Baines, who had denied any knowledge of the fraud, was convicted of money laundering and false accounting.

His wife was sentenced to nine months’ jail, suspended for two years, for false accounting. The fraud involved Roys Poyiadjis, a crooked senior executive at the American software firm AremisSoft, who awaits sentencing for securities fraud in New York after admitting duping Wall Street investors by falsely inflating the firm’s share price. Poyiadjis, 44, a Greek Cypriot, stashed away his dishonest fortune in Swiss bank accounts before Baines, one of three trustees holding assets on his behalf, moved the funds to the Isle of Man.

Baines, a colourful character whose friends include the Earl of March, Austria’s Archduke Karl von Habsburg, and Liz Hurley, was ranked at 349th on the Sunday Times Rich List in 2008 alongside rock stars Eric Clapton and Phil Collins. He made a £130million fortune working for the Africa House Group, his trading and private banking operation, run from the couple’s Victorian villa in Douglas.

The house has an indoor swimming pool, gym, snooker room, and a garage for his vintage Jaguar car collection.

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