Diana: The Truth

PRINCESS Diana was on the contraceptive Pill when she died, it emerged yesterday.

By Jo WilleyRichard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

PILL Diana PILL: Diana

The sensational evidence was revealed by the coroner on the second dramatic day of the inquest into her death.  [>


And Lord Justice Scott Baker warned the jury at the High Court in London that they would be hearing other intimate details of Diana’s private life in the coming weeks.  [>

Any blood sample taken at post mortem is always going to be unreliable


The jury also heard stunning evidence that chauffeur Henri Paul was not drunk on the night of the fatal crash in Paris. It has been suggested he was several times over the legal limit in France. [>


 But the jury was warned it would hear of serious doubts about the accuracy of the forensic analysis of samples taken from his corpse. And in a third bombshell, the inquest heard that Dodi Fayed did indeed buy an engagement ring for Diana just days before the couple died. It came from a range known  as Dis-Moi Oui, or Tell Me Yes.  [>


Lord Justice Scott Baker said: “It is made of gold and has a number of diamonds forming the shape of a star.”  [>


But he warned the jury there was conflicting evidence about whether it was an actual engagement ring, chosen by both of them while on holiday in Monte Carlo, or whether Dodi decided to buy it in the hope that Diana would marry him or merely give it to her as a present.  [>


The disclosure came as the coroner admitted the world may never know for sure whether Diana was carrying Dodi’s child because the scientific evidence was inconclusive. [>


He said no tests were ever carried out on her body to find out if she was pregnant as doctors battled to save her life, and any post mortem examination would have been unreliable.  [>


The jury also watched several video clips of Diana’s final moments at the Ritz, captured on CCTV cameras on August 30, 1997, and never before seen in public.  [>


In silent, jerky images they show a young woman initially at ease with the world and enjoying the luxuries of time in the company of a multi-millionaire in one of the world’s greatest hotels.  [>


But it ends with her looking anxious and harassed by the attentions of the  paparazzi gathered outside the Ritz.  [>


The hushed jury watched intently as the images, filmed by 43 separate CCTV cameras scattered in and around the hotel, showed Diana smiling and joking with Dodi. But over the course of several hours, the footage details how Dodi and the security team guarding the Princess were forced to go to greater lengths to keep the photographers at bay.  [>


Dodi’s father, Harrods tycoon Mohamed Al Fayed, claims the couple were murdered by British MI6 agents on the orders of Prince Philip because Diana was pregnant and about to get engaged to his son, a Muslim. [>


The jury was told Mr Al Fayed claims that he found out Diana was pregnant after receiving a telephone call from his son just hours before the couple died and that MI6 discovered the news because it was monitoring the Princess’s calls.  [>


“You will have to consider whether Diana made a telephone call which alerted the authorities to her alleged pregnancy,” said the coroner. But no tests were carried out by doctors treating Diana on the night she died. [>


“There was no reason to and, if anything, there were far more important things to do,” said Lord Justice Scott Baker.  [>


Home Office pathologist Dr Robert Chapman, who carried out a full post mortem examination in the UK at the Hammersmith and Fulham mortuary, saw no signs of pregnancy but it was unlikely there would be much evidence at that stage. [>


“Any blood sample taken at post mortem is always going to be unreliable because of the blood transfusion Diana had received,” said the coroner.  [>


And in a warning which cast further doubt on the pregnancy claims, he told the jury: “You will also hear evidence that Diana was taking a contraceptive Pill.”  [>


But he added: “It is likely that pregnancy is a matter that cannot be proved one way or the other in scientific terms in this case.  [>


“You will, of course, consider the scientific evidence, such as it is, but you will also hear evidence from several sources about what Diana had to say to her friends, and intimate details of her personal life.” [>


A healer, Myriah Daniels, who was on Mr Al Fayed’s yacht with the Princess and had travelled with the couple to Paris, said the Princess had remarked about a newspaper report saying she was expecting: “Now they have me pregnant,” the coroner quoted.  [>


He told the jury the question of whether Diana was pregnant, or even if it was suspected she could be, was relevant in two ways. [>


“First, her pregnancy or suspected pregnancy is said to have provided the motive or part of the motive for killing Diana,” he said. “Second, her body was embalmed by the French and it is said that the purpose of this was to conceal that she was pregnant.”  [>


The jury were warned they would have to consider claims that the embalming process was carried out in order to corrupt any pregnancy test.  [>


The coroner pointed out that for Diana’s body to have been embalmed lawfully, the authorities would have needed her family’s permission but they were never consulted.  [>


He also referred to claims that the actions of the French authorities were orchestrated by the British Ambassador in Paris and by MI6.  [>


But both had denied any involvement in the decision to have Diana’s body embalmed, said the coroner. Instead, he revealed that the decision was taken in Paris by Diana’s butler Paul Burrell and her driver Colin Tebbutt after consultations with her personal secretary Michael Gibbins in London.  [>


It was done amid fears that her body was deteriorating in the heat at the hospital, the jury was told.  [>


The coroner has already attracted criticism outside the court from Mr Al Fayed’s team, who alleged he had been biased in some of his opening remarks.  [>


And he was embroiled in fresh controversy yesterday. For the second day running, he mentioned a famous photograph of Diana in which she is seen wearing a leopard-print swimsuit and appearing to show a small bump on her stomach. [>


“Mohamed Al Fayed has said publicly he believed Diana was pregnant with Dodi’s child,” said the coroner. “In the past he has referred to a photograph allegedly showing she was pregnant. [>


“The photograph in question is the one that I showed you yesterday that was taken on July 14, 1997, before the relationship with Dodi began.”  [>


But Mr Al Fayed’s team insisted that the picture was “a red herring” because the billionaire had always accepted that his son only began a romance with Diana after July 14.  [>


“It was only ever the press that speculated at the time and since that the photograph showed she was pregnant,” said a spokesman. [>

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