Royal-slur bishop 'sorry'

A BISHOP apologised yesterday for calling the Royal Family “philanderers” and saying that the marriage of Prince William and Kate Middleton would last just seven years.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

Rev Pete Broadbent claimed Prince William and Kate s marriage would only last a few years Rev Pete Broadbent claimed Prince William and Kate's marriage would only last a few years.

The republican Rt Rev Pete Broadbent, Church of England Bishop of Willesden, north London, said he had sent Prince Charles and the engaged couple “sincere regrets” for distress caused by his Facebook remarks.

The bishop, 58, said yesterday: “I recognise that the tone of my language and the content of what I said were deeply offensive, and I apologise unreservedly for the hurt caused. It was unwise of me to engage in a debate with others on a semi-public internet forum and to express myself in such language. I accept this was a major error of judgment on my part.”

On the website the bishop had called for republicans to hold a party in Calais on the wedding day to get away from the “nauseating tosh” surrounding it.


He complained the Royal Family had a record of marriage break-ups, “cost an arm and a leg” and predicted: “I give the marriage seven years.”

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