Royal's back to earth with a bump

PRINCE William and his new bride return to life as a working service couple tomorrow, four days after a wedding that enchanted the world.

By Richard Palmer Royal Correspondent, Royal Correspondent

Prince William will be back on duty as an RAF search and rescue helicopter pilot Prince William will be back on duty as an RAF search and rescue helicopter pilot

William, now the Duke of Cambridge, will be back on duty as an RAF search and rescue helicopter pilot after a three-day break in the countryside with his wife.

Kate, now the Duchess of Cambridge, is expected to spend the next few days at their rented farmhouse in North Wales.

She will be writing thank you letters to family, friends and all the organisations that made their wedding a day of pride for Britain.

It will be back to Earth with a bump for both of them after a spectacular wedding ceremony and glittering parties at Buckingham Palace.

“It was rather a good do, wasn’t it?” Kate said in a beautifully understated reaction to the day.

Aides said the couple had decided some weeks ago that they would delay a foreign honeymoon and go back to the life they love on the Isle of Anglesey.

It was rather a good do, wasn’t it?

Kate Middleton

“It’s got nothing to do with security or media interest in their honeymoon. It was just a personal choice,” said one.

William, 28, booked two weeks off but it is understood he had already taken some of that leave prior to the wedding. St James’s Palace is refusing to say when he and Kate will use up the rest of his annual leave and go on their honeymoon abroad.

A senior aide said the couple had not even told some of their closest advisers where they planned to go. “All they have said is that they want to go somewhere hot, somewhere they’ve never been before and somewhere that’s a young persons’ destination,” he added.

Resorts in the running include Africa, or an African island, Australia’s Great Barrier Reef or a private island in the Caribbean.

In the meantime, the couple have vowed to continue life as normally as possible.

They have no plans to take on any extra staff, even to help with what is expected to be a mountain of letters, particularly from charities asking for Kate’s patronage.

Senior staff in the Royal Household have also said it is unlikely that Kate’s sister Pippa, 27, will become her lady-in-waiting.

One pointed out that Prince Charles’s wife Camilla does not have ladies-in-waiting, although she does have two private secretaries who perform a similar role.

The couple are likely to undertake a couple of royal engagements in Britain before going on their first overseas tour to Canada next month. Before that, they are expected to attend a number of events with other Royals.

Kate, 29, may make her debut at a glittering Buckingham Palace state banquet for US President Barack Obama in a few weeks.

She is also expected to join William at the Royal Family’s celebrations for Prince Philip’s 90th birthday on June 10 and Trooping the Colour on the Queen’s official birthday the next day.

Prime Minister David Cameron said yesterday the wedding made people feel “very proud to be British”.

He told BBC1’s Andrew Marr Show: “Sitting there in Westminster Abbey, you felt you were part of some extraordinary fairytale.”

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