Princess Beatrice blossoms amid Chelsea flowers

A SVELTE-looking Princess Beatrice took time off from her university finals to join the Royal Family at the Chelsea Flower Show yesterday.

By Richard Palmer Royal Correspondent, Royal Correspondent

Princess Beatrice looked svelte as she attended Chelsea Flower Show Princess Beatrice looked svelte as she attended Chelsea Flower Show

The 22-year-old gave glamorous Pippa Middleton a run for her money in a shapely burgundy Roland Mouret dress.

Her father Prince Andrew, who was with her at Chelsea, would like her to take on a role supporting the Queen, but it is not clear if that would be possible at taxpayers’ expense.

Princess Beatrice looked svelte at Chelsea Flower Show

“There are still discussions going on,” a royal source said last night. Appearing at Chelsea, where the Queen also toured the show last night, will not have harmed her case.

Beatrice, whose royal wedding hat prompted a few giggles, had the last laugh yesterday after it made £81,000 in a charity internet auction.

“I’m so excited. I couldn’t believe it raised so much money,” she said. She declared her admiration for a creamy York Minister rose, sniffing one and saying: “I love it.”

She added: “I’m the sort of person who puts a plant in and wants to see it bloom immediately.” Other Royal Family members at Chelsea included the Queen and Prince Philip, Camilla, Prince Edward and the Countess of Wessex.

Prince Andrew, Duke of York and his daughter Princess Beatrice visit Chelsea Flower Show

Celebrity guests included actresses Vanessa Redgrave, Barbara Windsor and Dame Helen Mirren.

Daily Express gardening columnist Alan Titchmarsh made the Queen laugh when he told her how the Royal Horticultural Society was teaching young children about plants and animals.

The Queen wore a pretty head dress at the Chelsea Flower Show

He showed her a Perspex cube which made a bird noise as he squeezed it. “Press it again,” she laughed.

Vanessa Redgrave with ‘The Natasha Richardson Rose' at Chelsea Flower Show

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